Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Resume and Cover Letter
Question: Depict about the resume and introductory letter? Answer: Occupation ADVERTISEMENT Needed a fresher or experienced junior lawful secretary with astounding office the executives and customer lawyer taking care of abilities with a working information on essential legitimate phrasings, general law, lawful procedures and finished or proceeding with concentrates in social and lawful debates. Applications for junior legitimate secretary Name of the organization Allen and Overy Post Junior legitimate secretary Number of opening 4 Expected set of responsibilities Liable for helping the secretaries and legal advisors in bunch with nuts and bolts of law Record support and authoritative undertakings consummation Quick composing of authoritative reports Front work area association and fixing of gatherings with customers The executives of customer databases Have the option to deliver reports like legitimate updates, deeds, movements, briefs and charges Instructive capability required Confirmation or graduation in secretarial capability (Legal secretary authentication or partner degree) Least capability in legitimate composition, lawful examination, business correspondence 0-1 year involvement with a lawful or front office work is best. Required a composing velocity of 40-50 wpm Great and working information on Microsoft office (Word, exceed expectations, power point and access) Extra necessities Astounding relational abilities Astounding customer taking care of abilities Uplifting mentality and astuteness to learn new ideas Agreeable and proficient telephone way Dependable, sharp and reliable Compensation $ 20000 - $30000 (Further debatable according to the experience and measures of the competitor) Occupation area Sydney and Perth, Australia Resume 1. Individual subtleties Complete name Lim Wei Tan (Kelly) Nationality Malaysian Current area Melbourne, Victoria Date of Birth 06th June 1992 Sex Female Age 22 yeras Conjugal status Single Current position Single guy understudy Contact subtleties +6 011-33658990/+614 666 31374 Email subtleties Anticipated pay RM500 (debatable) Depend on region and nation Citizenship Benefited Australian Visa and Working license Accessible Promptly or multi week notice Street number 709, 330 lygon st, Brunswick East 3057, Victoria. Private location k.s114, Kuala Sungai Baru 78200, Melaka, Malaysia. 2. Vocation objective I might want to begin my vocation with the difficult activity of lawful secretary as helping the law offices will offer a chance to deal with complex genuine circumstances. In addition I being a self persuaded proficient might want to show my legitimate capacities and basic intuition inside the unpredictable social and political circumstances. The executives of center lawful arrangements and experience picked up structure the treatment of the customer lawyer connections will assist me with expanding my lawful profession in future as senior lawful administrators in International associations. I am an individual with serious extent of arranging aptitudes and can successfully design, oversee and keep up the privacy of the legitimate procedures. 3. Instructive capabilities Name of the degree Name of school/school/college Year of passing Evaluation or imprints acquired Pertinent coursework Secondary School Graduate qualification Notre Dame in Melaka, Malaysia 2005-2011 Gone with first division grades English Arithmetic Science SPM-Certificate of instruction is a national assessment for fifth-year optional school understudy in Malaysia Declaration of English language Chisholm Tafe in Melbourne, Australia 2010 - 2011 Made sure about first division grades Find out about essential English aptitudes like open talking, tuning in, sentence structure, spelling, perusing and composing Recognition in Business organization 3. Chisholm Tafe in Melbourne, Australia 2012-2013 Made sure about 65% imprints Account Condition Collaboration Preparing Promoting (Sales, publicizing, cost and so on) The board of business Single guy of sociology and lawful and question considers RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia 2013 2016 Family, society and law Degenerate, control and struggle Establishment of law Elective debate goals Intercultural communiation 4. Business subtleties Organization Name: Arrow Game in Melaka Industry type: Entertainment industry (Business of arrow based weaponry for youngsters with first time understanding) Occupation position: Waitress Occupation length: October 2004-December 2004 (Three months) Obligations Cleaning and making the premises clean and adequate Making and serving of beverages to the clients Giving a wide range of client administrations Getting ready of arrow based weaponry types of gear for customers Organization name: Tims Style in Melaka, Malaysia Industry type: Fashion Industry Occupation position: Sales aide Time Span: November 2008 June 2010 Obligations taking into account the client care needs like visiting the planned customers Deal the companys item and meeting of month to month targets The board of the money stock of the store as a clerk position on occasion Keeping a valuation of the end supply of the store Organization name: Seri Hair Beauty Salon in Melbourne, Australia Industry Type: Fashion industry Employment position: Hairdressing Apprentice Time length: May 2011 December 2012 (One and half year) Obligations Occupied with Coloring of the clients hair Perform successful blow drying of both male and female clients Occupied with elements of hair treatment Giving essential client care administrations Deals the magnificence results of the salon Organization Name: Kian Hong Plant SDN BHD in Melaka, Malaysia Industry type: Administrative industry Employment position: Human Resource administrator Time range: October 2012-March 2013 proceeded again from October 2013 March 2014 Purpose behind delay: Working on vacation period on low maintenance premise Obligations Enlistment and recruiting procedure of new representatives Managing and fixing the issues and grievances of the representatives Keeping up compelling correspondence with outer just as inner partners Giving lawful guidance comparable to realities like visa strategy, social approach, organization contracts, representative agreements and enlistment terms to the workers 5. Extra capability Language capability Secondary school graduate level authentication in English Language in 2008 for high talented English conveyance in discusses, open talking, exposition composing and impromptu Specialized capability and PC information Learners declaration in programming language program covering MS office, DMBS applications, DOA and Windows applications Propelled endorsement in programming language program covering Humming feathered creature report the executives, Financial instruments including Tally 9.1 Specialized testament on DAKCS database framework supportive for the reasons for recording account narratives, case delicate documentation for lawyers. 6. Center capabilities and expert aptitudes Great and successful relational abilities with exactness in sentence structure and spelling Sorting out and arranging aptitudes with capacity to work to cutoff times Performing multiple tasks and capacity to deal with a few undertakings one after another Amazing secretarial aptitudes Prudent and reliable in keeping up classification of information Profoundly exact and mindful to consistently subtleties information and experience of the law and lawful Dynamic and critical abilities capacity to communicate effectively with clients and establish a positive clench hand connection Capacity to stay patient to the necessities and prerequisites of the clients and colleagues Capacity to keep up great working relationship with the associates and encourages sharing of data and thoughts 7. Interests and side interests Understanding scholastic and business diaries Tuning in to unrecorded music collections Keen on review satire films Chipping in for a noble cause exercises and network administrations Beekeeping Cooking 8. Extracurricular exercises Individual from a discussion society in the higher doctoral level college level and took part in organized open discussions Individual from a law gathering and partake in worldwide connection, social condition and legitimate meetings Taken part in mooting during the paralegal degree and acted in mock lawful hearing cases and furthermore partook in witness assessment, customer talking and arrangement cases Individual from ecological clubs and chess club in the four year certification school Individual from RMIT Asian Association and took an interest expanding fun and connecting with climate and a decent public activity for the Asian understudies of RMIT Individual from RMIT HSKA wwhich is a Hong Kong understudies relationship in RMIT University of Melbourne 9. Arbitrators Name: Ms. Nicky Position: administrator Organization: Kian Hoong Plant SDN BHD Contact address: No. 29-1 Jalan TTC 26B,Taman Teknologi Cheng, 75260,Melaka, Malaysia Name: Ms Jinni Park Position: Manager of Hair dresser Organization: Seri Hair and magnificence Salon Contact address: Melbourne Central Dome, 154/211 La Trobe Street, Melbourne Introductory Letter Dear Sir/Madam, In light of your commercial for Application for junior lawful secretary I am encasing my resume with the suitable required subtleties and confirmations of my scholastic capability declarations and professional training testaments. I will be enormously obliged on the off chance that you would consider my application for the current referenced post in your association. By going after the empty job of lawful secretary in your organization I would have the option to gain by my instruction and earlier lawful work understanding. Benefiting this opening for work will assist me with progressing in my profession and advance inside the lawful and social division. I have finished certificate in Bachelor of Science in Parale
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spanish Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting
Spanish Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting The most well-known Spanish action words of recollecting and overlooking are recordar and olvidar, separately. Action words For Remembering and Forgetting Recordar: Here are a few instances of recordar being used. Note that it is conjugated sporadically, following the example of - at the end of the day, the of the stem becomes. Recuerdo que nuestro equipo time impresionante. I recollect that our group was incredible. ¿Ya no recuerdas cuando periods un niã ±o? You still dont recall when you where a child?Firefox no quiere recordar mis contraseã ±as. Firefox doesnt need to recollect my passwords.No recuerdo donde fue mi preliminary beso. I dont recollect where my first kiss was.Siempre te recordaremos. We will consistently recollect you. Etymology:Recordar originates from the Latinrecordari, which means to recollect. Interestingly,recordar is a cousin of the wordcorazã ³n, which means heart, as the heart has been thought of as the focal point of memory and feelings. Bogus companion alert: Except in poor interpretations from English, recordar isn't utilized for importance to record. Action words utilized for that reason incorporate anotar (to record) and grabar (to make a sound or video recording). Acordarse de: Also regularly utilized for to recollect is the reflexive action word acordarse followed by the relational word de. As you would have speculated, acordarse is additionally a cousin of corazã ³n. It additionally is conjugated after a similar example as recordar. Me acuerdo de la brisa que nos acariciaba. I recall the breeze that would stroke us. ¿Por quã © a veces nos acordamos de lo que soã ±amos y otras veces no? For what reason do we once in a while recall what we dream and different occasions we dont?La respuesta corta a la pregunta es no, no se acordaron de nosotros. The short response to the inquiry is no, they didnt recall us.No quiero acordarme de ayer. I dont need to recall yesterday. Rememorar: Spanish has a related of recall, rememorar, however it isnt utilized all the time, and afterward generally to allude to an occasion being memorialized or perceived: Presidente Correa rememorã ³ la masacre del 2 de agosto. President Correa recollected the Aug. 2 slaughter. Olvidar: Olvidar is the main action word in like manner utilize that way to overlook. It in some cases is utilized in the reflexive structure, frequently in the expression olvidarse de, which can (yet doesnt consistently) propose intentional overlooking. In certain territories, olvidarse without the de is normal. Los Spurs olvidaron el estilo que los habã a distinguido. The Spurs overlooked the style that had recognized them. ¡Ayà ºdame! Olvidã © mi contraseã ±a de Hotmail. Help! I overlooked my Hotmail password.No voy an olvidar nunca mi visita a Mlaga. Sick always remember my visit to Mlaga.Me olvidarã © que fuiste mã o y que ahora te perderã ©. Sick overlook that you were mine and that now I will lose you. ¿Por quã © nos olvidamos de fechas importantes? For what reason do we overlook significant dates? ¡No olvidemos lo nuestro! Lets not overlook whats our own! Frequently olvidarse can work like gustar, in that the thing overlooked turns into the subject of the action word, and the person(s) who overlooked turns into the roundabout article: Es un video que no se te olvidar nunca. Its a video youll always remember. (Actually, its a video that will never be neglected to you.)Un dã a se me olvidaron las llaves del carro. One day I overlooked the vehicle keys.Se me olvidã ³ el coche en el autolavado y cerraba a las 6. I overlooked the vehicle in the vehicle wash and it shut down at 6. Historical background: Olvidar originates from the Latin oblitus, absent minded, making it a cousin of English words, for example, insensibility and negligent. Sources Sources utilized in this exercise include, Devocionalies Cristianos,, Isaac Arriola, La Voz de Galicia,, Mi Rincã ³n del Alma,, Tenisweb,, andâ 3wilio.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Whats going on inside my head
What’s going on inside my head Here are ten important things that happened in the past week. 1. I threw a dinner party for a bunch of people Friday, including Sams Moms beef stew, spinach with hot bacon dressing, squash, rosemary-cheddar biscuits, and suite potatoe pie. We had lots of fun and cultured conversation. I discovered that spinach, which I previously considered to be the most healthful food in the world, is actually bad for you, because it gives you gallstones. Luckily, I dont like spinach very much. Thats why I have to cover it in a bacon-sugar sauce before eating it. Actually, I just find it to be a little bitter, which may make me a supertaster. 2. I got an A on my Pulitzer-worthy essay for German I, Mein Freund Ryan Ist Ein Schrecklich Kellner, based quite loosely on the life and employment of my high school friend Ryan at Doc Hollidays. 3. Every Friday night theres three-dollar ice skating at the Z-Center, so I headed over and kind of learned how to skate from Moria 06 and Joe 08. I was also really impressed by the skating prowess of Grant 08, who is from Laguna Beach, CA and had thus never seen ice before coming to MIT. Anyway, after an hour and a half I feel like Im at least starting to get skating down at a conceptual level I can do it if I switch from skate to skate slowly and keep singing to myself j-joo, j-joo, j-joo, j-joo. Note that despite my inability to skate, I have played exactly one game of IM ice hockey. 4. Through Dr. Bill Cutter, director of the MIT Concert Choir, I scored free tickets to the Boston Lyric Operas production of Lucie de Lammermoor. Now, I can appreciate opera and everythingLucies mad scene in the second act was absolutely stunning, involving acrobatic coloratura passages by Lucie echoing a solo flute. The soprano was amazing tooshe sang while dancing around, kneeling, laying down. Her voice was unstoppable. However, the last scene was way, way, way too long. Basically, Edgard, Lucies hot-blooded illicit lover, comes back to the castle and sings an aria about how hes going to kill himself because Lucie was unfaithful. Then he finds out that she was actually not unfaithful, but she died of being crazy just before he arrived. He was a moment too late. So then he sings another aria about how hes going to kill himself for like ten more minutes. Then he kills himself with a dagger and sings for another good two minutes before keeling over, ending his life and the opera. Not cool, Edgard. 5. MIT has posted the spring class schedule! This is like Christmas day for me. Not only that, they did it two days early. I was so excited, I almost had to leave marching band rehearsal when I found out. I was not so excited when I found out that most of the classes I want to take are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 PM. What should I pick7.36: Foundations of Computational and Systems Biology, 10.26: Chemical Engineering Projects Laboratory, or 10.391J: Sustainable Energy? I have a scant two and a half months to decide! What a conundrum. 6. Lab inspections are coming up and we have to make sure that my turkey waste is hygenic, so I completed my yearly EHS training. Part of it included a fashion quiz: 7. Got really upset that postage is going up again. 8. I went to an open mic comedy night at SaveTFP and told my one joke: Helen Keller walked into a bar. Guess she didnt smell it coming. I actually have two other jokes, but its better to keep you in suspense, right? 9. According to one of my suitemates, I was washing the dishes this morning and one broke. Well, that wasnt very nice of it. Now, normally thats not a huge issue, but it happened to be one of a set of eight color-coordinated plates and bowls and for some reason, I dont know if I can bring myself to use any of them without knowing all of them are there. So, if you find a turquoise salad bowl belonging to the Furio Home Thailand collection, be sure to let me know. Or I could just smash the other one and buy some more matching bowls. Anyway, its still amazing because somewhat akin to distance running or competitive Scrabble or Clay Aiken, theres this whole collectible dinnerware subculture that Im just now discovering. Is my plate rimmed or coupe? Does it have any cutlery marks that can be seen under intense light? Are the cracks axial or lateral? Well, maybe this is an opportunity for me to buy a new, ultra-trendy, well-engineered bowl from the Student Art Association that wont break so easily.. Whenever God closes a door, He opens a window. The Sound of Music 10. Applied to Bayer and BASF online. I want to get an internship in Germany this summer through MISTIs MIT-Germany program. So, as a chemical engineer, I applied to those two companies, plus Merck and ALTANAPharma. They required a picture with my application, so heres what I sent in: They cant refuse to hire me based on that, can they? You should have seen the runner-up. Maybe you will.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Inspirational Quotes for Thanksgiving
Imagine a nation where people did not bother to express gratitude. Imagine a society devoid of benevolence and humility. Unlike what some people believe, Thanksgiving is not a binge fest. Yes, the meal is a bit much. The dinner table is usually groaning with the weight of the food. With the abundance of delicious food, it is understandable why people give their weighing scales a holiday. The underlying philosophy behind Thanksgiving celebration is to offer thanks to God. You dont realize how fortunate you are to be blessed with abundant food, and a loving family. Many people are not that lucky. Thanksgiving gives you an opportunity to express gratitude. Millions of American families will join their hands in prayer to say grace. Thanksgiving is integral to American culture. On Thanksgiving, say a prayer of thanks to the Almighty, for the bountiful gifts bestowed upon you. Many years ago, the Pilgrims of Plymouth did so. They shared their food with the natives of the land, who had helped them in times of misery. The tradition of sharing the Thanksgiving meal continues even today. In honor of that tradition, share your gifts with friends and family. Spread the message of gratitude and kindness with inspirational quotes for Thanksgiving. Your heartfelt words can inspire your loved ones to make Thanksgiving a festival of generosity and love. Change people forever with these inspiring words. Quotes About Thanksgiving Henry Ward Beecher: Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Henry Jacobsen: Praise God even when you dont understand what He is doing. Thomas Fuller: Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices. Irving Berlin: Got no checkbooks, got no banks. Still, Id like to express my thanksâ€â€I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night. Odell Shepard: For what I give, not what I take / For battle, not for victory / My prayer of thanks I make. G. A. Johnston Ross: If I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Host of this universe, Who daily spreads a table in my sight, surely I cannot do less than acknowledge my dependence. Anne Frank: I do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the fields, nature and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy. Theodore Roosevelt: Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. William Shakespeare: Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. Alice W. Brotherton: Heap high the board with plenteous cheer and gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased. H. W. Westermayer: The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts... nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. William Jennings Bryan: On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence. Hebrews 13:15: By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Edward Sandford Martin: Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. Ralph Waldo Emerson: For each new morning with its light / For rest and shelter of the night / For health and food, for love and friends / For everything Thy goodness sends. O. Henry: There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. Cynthia Ozick: We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Robert Casper Lintner: Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness. George Washington: It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor. Robert Quillen: If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. Cicero: A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Hinduism, Buddhism, And Sikhism - 2021 Words
Those who are raised within one religious tradition may find it difficult to understand the traditions of another religion. It is not until one is educated in the basics of the other major world religions, that it is possible to see the many similarities between them. Just as there are many similarities between the countries culturally, the major religions share more things than they are different. In viewing Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism with an open mind, it is easy to see the differences, similarities and ideals that make these religions as widespread as they are. Hinduism is one of the most diverse religions still practiced today. They are an adaptive religion, often taking in the local Gods of its followers, leading to many branches of the religion that occur much like dialects within a language. Although it is difficult to catalog all of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, there is estimated to be over 300 million of them. It is common for people unfamiliar with the religion to generalize all those living on the Indian subcontinent as â€Å"Hindu†, since they are usually not aware of the many religions that are practiced in India, and how similar they can be. This generalization can trace its roots back to imperial British rule of the country. In an attempt to offer their colony representation in Parliament, a census was taken of the colony to offer representation based on religion. The census did not allow for the diversity of belief that occurs under the HinduShow MoreRelatedHinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism1904 Words  |à ‚ 8 Pages Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism Simon Osorio Stanbridge College HUM 1020 (ITT/ITS) Daniel Else March 25, 2013 Assignment #1 Hinduism, Buddhism Jainism, and Sikhism are all Eastern religions with similar philosophical beliefs. 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The Eastern religions and philosophies all give varying accounts of karma, samsara, moksha, and nirvana.This paper will examine Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, analyze their belief systems, and show how they compare and contrast with one another and with Christianity. Sikhism Sikhism was founded at the beginning of the 16th century in Punjab by Guru Nanak. His philosophy was similar to that of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Nanak observed the wayRead MoreTypes Of Indian Religions : Indian Religion916 Words  | 4 Pagesknown Indian religion is Hinduism. However, there are other religions, which no one has heard of such as, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism. Most people assume that just because your Indian you have to be Hindu but that’s not necessarily true. Although, these religions come from the same Indian culture they have different views and beliefs. For instance, Sikhism is the newest Indian religion. The religion was created back in 1500 A.D. The founder’s name was Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Sikhism religion follows theRead MoreKarma Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesKarma Essay: Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddhism Have you ever heard someone say â€Å"what goes around comes around?†Many religions believe in Karma. Karma means a deed or an act. The three major religions that believe in Karma are Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These three religions share somewhat the same views and beliefs on Karma. These three religions believe that human beings spend their time in a cycle of birth, life, and rebirth. Every mainstream religion teaches us about the consequences of ourRead MoreSimilarities Between Hinduism And Buddhism942 Words  | 4 PagesCCOT Essay Hinduism and Buddhism were both founded and popular in northern India by 600 CE. 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In each of these three religions, they all share some religious tenets, or beliefs, that is universally accepted amongst all religions around the world and throughout history. Some of these tenets include the belief in a god or a SupremeRead MoreIs India A Country Of Ethnic Religious And Linguistic Pluralism Par Excellence?1364 Words  | 6 Pagesreligions in India, Vedism and Hinduism could be considered the beginning of religious diversity in the subcontinent. Although Hinduism is regarded as the oldest religion in the world, Vedism is the oldest stratum of religious activity in India. It takes its name from the collections of sacred texts known as the Vedas. The Rigveda, known as the earliest text of the collection, is composed of 1,028 hymns and 10,600 verses in Sanskrit. The vedic religion evolved into Hinduism later on which is a federations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Job Description of A Budgeting Manager Free Essays
One of the most important functions that budgeting accounts for is the planning function1. We will be arguing for the importance of the planning function in the overall budgeting activity and will be arguing for the many ways the budgeting planning function is coordinating with the company’s strategic planning. First of all, the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to the planning activities that the company, starting with the financial department, needs to (1) determine what the company’s long-term strategy is, (2) determine what projects bring most added value to the company and (3) determine what priority these projects should have. We will write a custom essay sample on The Job Description of A Budgeting Manager or any similar topic only for you Order Now Let’s refer to each of these steps in part and determine how they impact the budgeting strategy of a company. The long-term strategy for a company is essential in determining the overall objective of a company. For the long run, this may be increasing the volume of sales or increasing the market share or promoting the company’s image. In any case, these differ in terms of the projects they will imply and the ways they will be affecting the budgeting strategy. For example, increasing sales will perhaps only include increasing spending on advertising and the promotion budget, while promoting the company’s image may include costly promotion campaigns that will have a significant impact on the company’s budgeting management. The second issue is a project portfolio management issue. The economic theory tells us that the resources are always limited, while the needs are not. Applied in this particular case, this means that we are always likely to have a greater number of projects we will wish to perform than the financial resources the company will have at a certain point. This is where the selection issue, corroborated with the budgeting strategy comes in the game. The top management, working with the financial department, will need to establish which are the projects that bring highest added-value to the company and spend the company’s budget on those alone. The selection phase can only come hand in hand with a proper planning of the budgeting activity. On one hand, we have the projects the company wishes to perform, on the other, we have the budgeting restrictions. In terms of budgeting planning, the company and the top management needs to ensure that projects deriving from the current selection will also have sources of financing. An example will properly elucidate this perspective. We will simply take a software project. In the beginning, the primordial activities refer to selecting the working team and creating a project on which work will be done (following the customer’s requirements). On the other hand, while the initial part of the project is strictly related to the programming stage, one mustn’t ignore the fact that, after the project is completed, a tester also needs to be hired in order to test the project’s performances. This means that the initial budgeting scheme will need to be created so as to include several other subsequent factors, factors that are likely to appear at a certain time in the future. Finally, the third phase of the selection phase, correlated with the budgeting procedures, involves deciding on the projects’ priority. This is basically an issue of deciding which of the projects bring added value to the company and to the company’s activities. This means that planning your budgeting policy also needs to consider the future plans in the company. If the company will want to develop different areas into the future, then the budgeting campaign needs to be designed so as to cover any future needs of the company. This is practically what the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to. The argumentation we have previously presented practically comes forth so as to demonstrate the close connection existing between budgeting and budget planning and the company’s overall planning strategies. Indeed, the budgeting policies serve to help the company fulfill its long-term plans and projects, as well as short-termed ones. In this sense, the company planning strategy needs to be fully correlated with the budgeting planning, otherwise there will be no financial support for those plans. Among the management functions we already know about we can also include the budgeting function because, in my opinion, all the others cannot properly function without it. You cannot have a successful planning or organizing within a company without correlating these with the budgeting function, in order to obtain the realistic backup of any project. Budgeting and planning go, in this sense, hand in hand, and you cannot really have one without the other in the company. How to cite The Job Description of A Budgeting Manager, Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business Ethics and Sustainability Analysis
Question: Describe about the Business Ethics and Sustainability. Answer: Hello everyone, I am verygratefulto have learned the following values , ethicsas well asmorals in thecourse.Each one of theseelementsappearconstantlyas they arecontained inour everyday livesbutcertainlynotcarefullyunderstandthetrue meaningas well aspractical applicationfields throughout our existence .You will need torecognize thatcompaniesare madeby individualsand it is these whosecurethe benefit forinvestorsbut fora number of themis not importantjust howisreceived,howeveron the other hand ,you will findbusiness peoplewhonot justconcerned about maximizingearningsbut at the same timethe way toobtain it . I havediscovered thatethics for them playsan importantrole , they areready togive upgood resultswhenever they had tobehaveunethically , or lack of social sensitivity .We are going tosee thea lot moreclearly theimpactof ethics in businessas well as theresults that can be obtained bykeepingthis principle . I have learned a lot thanks to this course .Thanks. People not only act morally, but also reflect on our behavior or that of others, as when we wonder should I do this ?, Have I done the right thing ?, it is just that , etc. This human concern clarify their own moral behavior led to the Ethics, a discipline born in Classical Greece in the s. IV. C. part of Philosophy, valuable know that you studied in later courses. The Ethics word comes from thos Greek, meaning "custom" or habit and "character" or way of being, like the term "moral" in Latin, but they coincide in this regard, we will consider along this Ethics course as the philosophical study of moral conduct in general, differentiating it from other types of behavior. According to all the diagonistic tools conducted in this paper it is clear that we tend to be sympathetic and emphathetic to other human beings. We always feel compassion for people going through a hard time and the decisions we make are based on the premise of what is right for me to do as shown in the surveys conducted. Now, other knowledge, history for instance, it tells us what human facts, Ethics, however, tells us how they should be; determines what is moral responsibility, investigates whether there is freedom in human behavior, analyze the moral obligation interrogating what should I do ?, why ?, how are humans , selfish or generous ?, some people are better than others, or all have the same ability to be good ?, why I should be a good person ?, etc. What were my assumptions about ethics and morality before coming to this course Before coming into this course I had very little understanding on ethics and morality, but I knew they have importance in matters concerning business. Have these changed and why Profit maximization has always been the ultimate goal any company; currently, this goal has been replaced by maximizing the value of the company for its owners, ie, to its shareholders. But it can not and should not be the only objective pursued(Corporate social responsibility, 2007). The company plays a vital role in today's society and must therefore contribute to its development and welfare. In an era of organizations, like the one we live in, the company must be a model for all of them. This is in constant interaction with the companies objective, so that the direction of it, must maintain the coexistence of the company to the outside. In addition to the relationship with everything that surrounds it, the management must welfare of all members within the organization. They say that in many cases, employees are the best asset a company can have. It must, therefore, take care; and must do so because it is a business issue, it is a moral issue. A fully integrated and identified with the organization, happy employees perform better and more efficient way their work and not create conflicts(Gregg and Stoner, 2009). Dissatisfied, for whatever reason (salary, working hours. workers perform their work at ease and efficiency will drop many integers, and is also a constant source of problems. If the company is called to be in the future, somehow already being a basic pillar of society, have a moral duty to provide decent and ample subsistence to all members and their families, offering them the possibility of putting their sights beyond their current job, thus offering a real chance to move up within the company or outside it through their training. Although, unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Most organizations are seeking economic growth either way, leaving aside all ethical aspect. Is a common practice by many entrepreneurs to locate their production to save costs in third world countries because there labor is much cheaper and can exploit the worker with greater ease due to lack of labor legislation and starvation in these people facing no opposition and in many cases the complicity of the West. Many entrepreneurs from Western countries, including Spain, despite having a considerable unemployment rate requested the massive influx of immigrants from the third world, relying on the false stereotype that need to perform jobs that Spaniards do not want to make , hiding the true reality, the need to work in subhuman conditions under which the Spaniards are not willing to work, and this has a name, oppression(Keillor and Wilkinson, 2011). All this causes the breakdown of the family nucleus of immigrants and, in many ca ses, a culture shock. This has very negative consequences for society. Globalization must not involve the consolidation of economic blocks that either they put aside or base their wealth on the exploitation of the third world. Must, without any doubt, moral standards include business goals, although it is not easy in a society that suffers a serious loss of values. Education must play a key role to remedy this. The company has to be the engine of change and management has to be aware of it. This is the essence of libertarianism, political philosophy which holds that prosperity, peace, and fulfillment of human beings can only occur in a social system based on unconditional respect for life, liberty and property of each individual. What were my assumptions about the responsibility of business and organisations to communities and broader society and what has changed I was very ignorant of the fact that any business needs to give back to the community in terms of CSR. Most companies however do not prioritise this very important aspect of a business and before learning this course I did not know that this has serious implications to the company in terms of the reputation. Studies show that nearly 80% of workers choose to work for a company that has an excellent reputation that pays a salary sufficient to cover its obligations for a company that pays a better salary but has a bad reputation in general. It also enriches the relationship with the environment and increases the influence of the organization in the community: to disseminate honest and specific information and perform actions socially engaged helps the image of the company against the central community and provides links that can trigger joint social projects. All this helps the company to increase its number of customers to this positive image, employees come with greater enthusiasm, be comes more influential among investors, can become is recognized internationally, respect for non-governmental organizations win and they may even get to reduce their operating costs through environmental actions. Nature of Business Diagonistic tool number 5 clearly shows that I support legitimate business. Moreso, it shows that regardless of the profit that a business is posting if the business is not legal thewn the people wont support it. What I have learnt from this course According to the diagonistic tools I have learned that Social responsibility is so important in the success of long-term business and current that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a widely recognized process for business in this century. It is therefore important to have corporate social responsibility to teach executives of the new management area , the world change the way they do business will also change, more than important, it is necessary, because unfortunately in most universities are not given adequate training on these issues , then it follows that we executives, serious, successful, but they do not understand the social role to be met, ie that not only have accountability to shareholders but also to society as a whole. Corporate social responsibility is one more mechanism for executives and companies return to society what it has given to them. Today it is impossible to think of businesses that do not work corporate social responsibility when it is so necesarry.The first thing to take into account a company or institution is that corporate social responsibility is not an expense but an investment, provides the following benefits: Reduces costs stoppage of operations or safety by reducing the possibility of conflicts with the population improves productivity, have motivated workers or better health, which helps to increase their loyalty to the company, improving internal environment and safety of workers, considering their needs, improve the external environment, the identify and mitigate the impacts that their activities may generate in the environment, provides an image of responsibility in the company. The importance of the general environment for business activities is critical because many, if not most, of the resources and services needed to carry out these activities are part of the biophysical and social environment;
Saturday, March 28, 2020
A Significant Person free essay sample
Significant Person Mother Teresa is one of the most admired women in the world. She dedicated every day of her adult life to caring for and loving the dying, the unwanted and the unloved. Her spirit of giving inspired many people. There were those who gave up their lives as she had to follow her and others who helped in different ways, for example, giving her the Kali Temple to be used as a home for the dying. The effect Mother Teresa had on the people she came in contact with and the world is one of the most intriguing things about her. But what was it about Mother Teresa that made people stop and listen? How did such a tiny women touch the hearts and lives of so many people? Mother Teresa’s dedication to God and the church is what I feel made her so great. Everything she did in her life was for God. We will write a custom essay sample on A Significant Person or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the first instances that made me really stop for a second was Mother Teresa’s second calling. It was not the calling itself so much as how she handled herself in the following events. She was so dedicated to the church and her vows that she waited two years before she was able to be released from her vows to go off into the world to serve the poorest of the poor. She went through all the proper and necessary steps in the church to get what she believed was her calling. Mother Teresa did not leave the church for selfish reasons, nor did she just get up and leave one day. She had too much respect and devotion to the church to be able to do something like that. Mother Teresa put all her faith into God and believed that he would provide her with what she needed. All throughout her years on the streets of Calcutta, Mother Teresa never asked for money. She knew that all she needed was her faith. For me, I find that aspect of her remarkable. How someone can have so much faith that they would go out with nothing but 5 rupees amazes me. And the best part of the whole story is that God does come through and provide her with everything she needs. She called it â€Å"divine providence†because she never asked, however things like money, helpers and buildings became available to her. In her interview with Muggeridge she said, â€Å"Faith is a gift of God. Without it there would be no life. And our work, to be fruitful and to be all for God, and beautiful, has to be built on faith. †Her faith is why she always began each day with prayers, meditation and Mass. I see this as her time to be one on one with God and receive the strength she needed to serve the Lord each day. Many people go to church each week, however never truly experience God the way Mother Teresa did. She was truly able to see him in everything she did and everyone she came into contact with. While I personally would have a hard time seeing Christ in people I come into contact with, Mother Teresa did. I have never been a very religious person, but reading and learning about Mother Teresa’s life and accomplishments makes a total believer out of me that there is something greater and if we just have faith things will work out. With gods help, one small woman, in a simple white cotton sari, who did not bother with reports and theories, simply went out into the world and changed the lives of millions.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
7 Formatting Errors That Make Your Book Look Unprofessional
7 Formatting Errors That Make Your Book Look Unprofessional More and more writers are taking advantage of the new tools of publishing to create and publish their own books. This has led to an explosion of creativity, as writers are able to move their own books to market without the long delays and uncertainty of trying to get a traditional publisher to offer a contract. Of course, there are also lots of authors who publish some of their books with traditional publishers, but still want to issue backlist, experimental, or non-commercial books themselves. This is all good news for authors. But one of the consequences of authors becoming do-it-yourself publishers has been the proliferation of books that dont look quite right. Although our books may be self-published, we sure dont want them to look sub-par, do we? For many years Ive helped authors get their books produced so they can compete with the books coming from traditional publishers. And while many authors hire professional book designers to create their books for them, this isnt practical or desirable from some people. Some of the errors I see when reviewing self-published books are very easy to correct, if you only know how. So to help out, Ive compiled here a list of the most common book formatting errors. If youre doing your own formatting, make sure you pin this article up near your workstation. Youll be needing it. 7 Formatting Errors to Avoid 1. Putting page numbers on blank pages. Blank pages have no text or images on them, and that means they should be truly blank. If you think about it, having a page number on a blank page really doesnt make sense, since theres nothing for the page number to refer to. 2. Using running heads on chapter opening pages or blank pages. This is probably the most common formatting mistake of all, and I see it often in books from do-it-yourselfers. Just like page numbers, running heads (the type at the top of a page that shows the book title, author name, or chapter title) have no place on a blank page, just leave them off so the pages are truly blank. 3. Using rag-right typesetting. Sometimes authors think they can make their pages look better 4. Double spacing between sentences. Many of us learned to type quite a while ago, and many typing instructors told us to hit the space bar twice after a period. This is perfectly fine for business reports or memos, but it has no place in a book and can potentially cause problems when your book is typeset. So only one space between sentences. 5. Using both indented AND block style spaces between paragraphs. Since weve started reading so much on web pages, weve grown accustomed to the block style of paragraph formatting. This is when paragraphs are separated 6. Putting the odd numbered pages on the left. When you open a book, it just makes sense that the first page is page number 1, and that has to be a right-hand page. This rule is absolute, and you should never, ever number your pages with even numbers on right-hand pages. 7. Making super small margins to save pages. Lots of authors who use print on demand services like CreateSpace know that they will be charged based on how many pages are in their book. But thats no reason to shortchange your readers Paying attention to these details of book formatting will help ensure that your books look and work the way they are supposed to. Your readers will thank you for that, and its your readers you should keep in mind throughout the publishing process. Another way to solve a lot of these formatting problems while also getting a well-designed, industry-standard book is to use one of our book templates. They will save you an amazing amount of time and frustration, while making sure your book looks the way it should. You can find out more and see the available designs at:
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Female soldiers experience higher rates of sexual abuse and Research Proposal
Female soldiers experience higher rates of sexual abuse and Posttraumatic stress than male soldiers - Research Proposal Example The paper aims at evaluating the situation of women soldiers and reasons of their comparatively worse plight. Attempts have also been made to come up with positive solutions to improve the condition for women both in armed forces and social context, by keeping a close proximity with issues like condition of women rights in the modern context, politics of gender discrimination and various traits of socio-psychical behaviorism towards status of women in the society. Human beings’ lust for power, will to dominate, desire to enhance respective territory and material prosperity and conflict of ideologies are some of the most important reasons for occurrence of warfare. An overview of the history of wars that the human civilization has witnessed will clearly give evidence in support of the observation that despite leading figures in an act of warfare have acted as voices of common people to take the decision of being engaged in such heinous act, however, civilians, belonging to general section of the society, have always remained the worst victims, as they are tortured, tormented, humiliated, deprived, abused and assassinated at a random (Cook, 2006). The horror of war, though, plagues all human beings, irrespective of their society, class, religious or ideological beliefs and gender differentiation to a massive extent, however, women, compared to their male counterparts, always have remained worse victims to an act of warfare (Cook, 2006). Whether women exist as ordinary civilians or participate actively in a war, their plight remains almost unchanged, however, the forms or manifestation of such tragic plight differs. Keeping in accordance to the topic of discussion an empathetic focus on the plight of women soldiers will reveal that, while they are forced to (Cook, 2006) or generously participate in war, in both cases they not only are
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Why I hate 3-D Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why I hate 3-D Summarize - Essay Example People with subtle, negligible eye problems face headaches and nausea because the artificial 3-D imaging disrupts the way our brain is accustomed to visualize 2-D objects. Moreover, 3-D movies are also dimmer than their 2-D counterparts since the projectors are inherently incompatible with 3-D films (because they distribute the light between both eyes, hence reducing it). The question that arises here is, if the 3-D experience is the wasteful technology it is, why has its reputation as a revolutionary breakthrough sustained? The answer is commercialization. Modern day producers and filmmakers are becoming captive to the market forces. Hollywood is growing insecure of the alternatives the modern consumer has access to. The advent of Blu-ray discs, HD cable, and home digital projectors has stolen the movie theatres’ historic role of providing a premium movie experience. 3-D seems to be the only feature left which is exclusive to movie theatres, and the market officials need to use it as an excuse to validate the high prices for movie tickets. They are capitalizing upon the success of phenomenal films like Avatar. But, what eludes the audience and the filmmakers is that movies like Avatar are the exception, not the norm. Not every filmmaker is equipped with the skill and expertise of David Cameron, neither have they been endowed with the same amount of passion for filmmaking. 3-D is suited to a limited range of genres and even then it needs careful handling otherwise filmmakers end up making fake 3-Ds like Clash of the Titans. Serious films catering to a more mature audience should not be made to comply with this growing trend of commercialization. It just doesn’t suit them and will eventually disappoint their audience. The future of Hollywood cannot rest upon the shallow foundations of commercialization. It’s future relies on true quality. True quality is holistic in its approach,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Principles in Locating Manufacturing Sites
Principles in Locating Manufacturing Sites Wong Wing Man The general principle in locating manufacturing sites is cost minimization. For locating retail services, what is/are the major principle(s) and theories? Particularly, you need to explain the perplexing phenomenon that stores providing similar services (selling similar products) are located very close to each other (even adjacent), forming spatial clusters (e.g., jewelry stores, hotels). What are the spatial-temporal dynamics involved in producing such patterns? Introduction Locating retail services is different from locating manufacturing sites because retailers mainly serve local residents but rarely engage in export trades. Instead of choosing sites with low transport cost, retailers consider distance as a determinant for proximity to market, which represents incentive for consumers to visit. Locational strategies for retail stores are primarily based on profit maximization through increasing market share and business volume. This essay researches three major theories for locating retail services, and investigates the rationale behind spatial clustering of retail stores. Major principles and theories for locating retail services Central place theory describes functional hierarchy of centres based on order of services retailers offer. Considering the distance consumers are willing to travel and basic demand to sustain businesses, Christaller (as cited in Bell et al., 1974) categorized high-order services which have large ‘range’ and high ‘threshold’, in opposition to low-order services. In a regional scale, retail centres with low-order stores such as fast food shops and convenience stores are located closer to each other because consumers of these services have low incentive to travel a long distance. While high-order centres are far apart to secure a larger market for their high ‘threshold’. Within each centre, bid rent theory describes spatial pattern of retail services using the rule of land occupation by the highest bidder. Keen competition for central locations implies occupation by retailers who could afford high land rent, whilst housing and industries are located at outer zones. Low-order retailers occupy central sites inside neighbourhood retail centres, but are pushed towards the periphery in regional centres when higher-order retailers outbid them (Brown, 1992). Co-location of high-order stores such as department stores, women’s apparel and jewelers in core areas gives rise to retail clustering. Spatial clusters of retail stores selling similar services in a micro scale From microeconomic perspective, Hotelling’s (1929) principle of minimum differentiation argues that two homogeneous retailers initially located at opposite ends of market would leapfrog each other to capture the bulk market, which eventually leads to locations adjacent to each other in market centre at equilibrium. Despite support from empirical research, Hotelling’s position is being criticized for incompatibility with the notion that retail stores should be spatially dispersed to maximize market share, and failure to justify spatial clustering for high-order services (Brown, 1992). Addressing risk reducing behaviour of consumers, Wolinsky (1983) modified the principle by explaining the need for consumers to search the market as a result of imperfect market information. Retail clusters are more attractive to consumers than isolated store because asymmetric information on quality and availability of goods encourages comparison shopping. Retailers offering similar servic es locate in close proximity to benefit from agglomeration economies, which creates additional demand and reduces operating cost to outweigh potential loss from more intense competition. Relaxing assumptions in classical models to allow multi-purpose shopping behaviour, Ãâ€"ner Larsson (2014) also explains the clustering of stores selling complementary services. Spatial-temporal dynamics involved in spatial clusters As economy grows and city expands over time, spatial pattern of retail services change. The classical retail succession model which divides city areas into central, middle and outer zones predicts that retail cluster at central zone would gradually transform from low to high order retail stores under development pressure and rising land rent (Brown, 1992). At the newly expanded suburb, residential patterns changes as household size declines, bringing more low-order services and convenience stores cluster to satisfy single families’ needs (Jones Simmons, 1990). Although classical models explain well for small retailers in post-war period, rapid growth of large retailers creates new dynamics in retail locations. Central and neighbourhood business districts with no pre-set format are gradually transformed into planned shopping centres which entail higher rent (Burnaz Topà §u, 2006). The clustering pattern is no longer explained solely by agglomeration economies but also centra l management of store location in malls, and domination of large chained-brands which could afford skyrocketing commercial rent (Lovreta et al., 2013). Conclusion Retail locations in a macro level are primarily determined by central place theory and bid rent theory. The former describes spatial dispersion of retail service centres, while the latter portrays intra-urban spatial pattern for various retail types. In micro level, the principle of minimum differentiation incorporating consumers’ risk reducing behaviour is essential in explaining agglomeration economies as a motivation for spatial clusters of retailers selling similar or complementary services. Although classical approach is still supported by empirical research, it is indispensable to address spatial-temporal dynamics since retail structure evolves tremendously during economic and demographic transitions. Retail clustering becomes a composite effect of agglomeration economies alongside mall’s management decisions and large retailers’ domination. References: (APA 6th Style Referencing) Bell, T.L., Lieber, S.R., Rushton, G. (1974). Clustering of Services in Central Places. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Vol.64, No.2. Brown, S. (1992). Retail Location: A Micro-Scale Perspective. England: Avebury, Ashgate Publishing Limited. Burnaz, S. Topà §u, Y. Ä °. (2006). A Multiple-Criteria Decision-making Approach for the Evaluation of Retail Location. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 14: 67–76. DOI: 10.1002/mcda.401 Hotelling, H. (1929). Stability in Competition. The Economic Journal. Vol. 39, No. 153, 41-57. Retrieved from Jones, K. Simmons, J. (1990). Location, Location, Location – Analyzing the Retail Environment. Ontario, Canada: Nelson Canada. Lovreta, S., MiloÃ… ¡eviĆ¡, S. StankoviĆ¡, L. (2013). Competition Policy and Optimal Retail Network Development in Transitional Economies. Economic Annals. Volume LVIII, No. 199. DOI: 10.2298/EKA1399057L Ãâ€"ner, Ãâ€". Larsson, J. P. (2014). Location and co-location in retail: a probabilistic approach using geo-coded data for metropolitan retail markets. The Annals of Regional Science. Vol.52(2), 385-408. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-014-0591-7 Ãâ€"ner, Ãâ€". Larsson, J. P. (2014). Which retail services are co-located?. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management. Vol. 42, Iss 4, 281-297. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-11-2012-0105 Wolinsky, A. (1983). Retail Trade Concentration due to Consumers’ Imperfect Information. The Bell Journal of Economics. Vol. 14, No. 1, 275-282. Retrieved from
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Crossing: Fiction and Story Essay
When we hear the title â€Å"Crossing†it will give us a feeling of someone who is still crossing something. This is due to the ing-form because this form will always give us a feeling of an uncompleted or unfinished action. The short story â€Å"Crossing†is by Mark Slouka who is an American novelist and critic. A relationship between a father and a son is the starting point of the story but it has many other angles too. We live in a post-modern society which means we break a lot of traditional norms and we are beyond the scope of fixed boundaries. Many signs indicate that the main character of this story is a modern man too. The modern man is a father of a little boy and is divorced with the child’s mum. It seems very clear that he is the reason to their divorce which can be seen in this quotation: â€Å"when he looked at her she shook her head and looked away and at that moment he thought, maybeâ€â€maybe he could make this right. †( P. 2, ll. 19-20). The man is very depressed which is probably because of the divorce. He wants to make it up and he cares a lot about his child which is mentioned in the two following quotations below: â€Å"†¦when the boy came running into the living room he threw him over his shoulder, careful not to hit his head on the corner of the TV†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (P. 2, ll. 16-17) †It would take a little while, but he’d be able to see him the whole time. †(P. 3, ll. 44-45) Both of the quotations show us that he is a caring father and this can also be the reason to, why he wants to make it up with his ex-wife. The father wants to pass his childhood memories on to his child and one of them is jaunts to the river with his own father and these jaunts mean a lot to him and it’s why he wants to pass the memories on. When they arrive to the place with the river and the barn he realise that the river is bigger than he has expected. He considers to cancel the jaunt but he says that he has nowhere else to go. This consideration can be a symbol of that he is in a middle of something in his life which means that he can’t turn back but that he has to look forward. It can probably be in the connection with his relationship. He is in the middle of their problem and he can’t go back in time and make it up but he can look forward and hope for the best. The barn on the other side of the river is described in a very strange way. It is compared to rib cage and skeleton but in between these strange descriptions, the place is also described as a wonderful place with, for instance herds of elk. During the whole story, we get the feeling of that something really bad is going to happen because of the suspense composition. This composition is only possible with particular settings in the story. Rain, mist, the strange barn and other depressive and strange settings are all sign of that something bad is on its way. At one point the situation gets really bad and the river is about to swallow the man and his child, the river is personified which can be seen in the following quote: †The river. It wanted to be whole, unbroken. It wanted him gone. He could see it, forming and re-forming, thick-walled jade, smoothing out its sides with its thumbs like a hypnotized potter. †(ll. 134-145) The sad mood during the whole story can be a symbol of his life and how he feels when he is alone without his wife. The themes of the story are therefore absolutely loneliness and phase change, because he is about to pass/go into a new phase in his life. All the characters are mentioned as anonym persons, which means nobody in the story has a name. The characters are therefore not individual persons but they are reduced roles in the man’s life. The narrator of the story knows how the man feels , what he thinks and as reader we see everything from his perspective. This kind of narrator is called third person limited narrator and the man’s point of view. It’s called limited narrator because we are not allowed to hear the boy’s thoughts and feelings. The end of the story is open which means the reader has no idea what is going on and it’s up to the reader to decide which ending the story will match. This is also the reason for the title â€Å"crossing†. As a reader you will not know what is going on after the story ends. Slouka, the author leave the characters in the river in between the secure, the wonderful place and the insecure, dangerous river. This could be the symbol of the man’s life. He has to pass many bad things to get a better life as he has before. The man is a clear sign of a modern man, who is divorced with his wife, he can’t complete his jaunt with his son and he has to fight to get a better life.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mrs. Meier
Citation: Zelma M. Mitchell v. Lovington Good Samaritan Center, 555 NM 2d, 696 (1976) Facts: Mrs. Mitchell was terminated from her position at Lovington good Samaritan Center because of an argument that broke out with the director of the center, Mr. Smith, and the Director of nursing, Mrs. Stroope. It is said by the company that Mrs. Mitchell was terminated for alleged misconduct. After the termination Mrs. Mitchell applied for unemployment compensation and was denied. She appealed the case and was then awarded the benefits. After being awarded the benefits the defendant in the case appealed the court’s decision to give Mrs. Mitchell the benefits and they reversed that decision and the benefits were taken from Mrs. Mitchell. She again appealed the decision of the courts. Ultimately with the definition of â€Å"misconduct†take Issues: The issue in the case is that there is a back and forth story in what misconduct is and what happen the day Mrs. Mitchell was terminated. The defendant’s case is a history of misconduct and the plaintiff is thinking only about the day she was terminated. Mr. Smith is saying that the incident where Mrs. Mitchell called himself and Mrs. Stroope â€Å"Birdbrains†was the last straw. Rule: In order to establish misconduct the defendant must prove the Mrs. Mitchell was â€Å"evincing such willful or complete disregard of the employer’s interests as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which the employer has the right to expect of his employee, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest equal culpability, wrongful intent or evil design or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer’s interests or of the employee’s duties and obligations to his employer. Analysis: The courts found that with the definition of misconduct adopted into the system that Mrs. Mitchell’s acts were in fact constituted as misconduct. Starting with her insubordination, improper attire, name calling and other actions evinced blatant disregard to the way the center was ran and handled on a day to day basis. Conclusion: After the appeals of Mrs. Mitchell and Lovington Good Samari tan center, the decision of the commission to have Mrs. Mitchell’s benefits revoked was reinstated. Analogizing/Distinguishing- A similarity in the two cases is they are both applying for unemployment benefits and they were both fired for misconduct also they were both originally denied for benefits and they are both appealing the decision. The differences in the case are Mrs. Mitchell was terminated for not respecting the higher above and not doing her job when asked. Mrs. Attired was terminated for getting a visible tattoo when warned she should not do so. When asked to get the tattoo removed she chose not to and is now terminated from her position. Application to Client’s Facts- The facts in this case that could be applied to my case are that she did continuously pass the evaluations and was a good employee always had stuff to work on but never enough for the owner to terminate the client until â€Å"the last straw†which in this case is the tattoo and in my case was the disrespect in calling the operator a â€Å"bird brains†. Citation: Billie J. Rodman v. New Mexico Employment security department and Presbyterian Hospital, 764 NM 2d, 1316 (1988) Facts: The plaintiff Billie has been terminated from her job of 8 years for misconduct. She has been denied unemployment benefits because she was terminated for misconduct. She is appealing the decision from the district court to revoke benefits. It is said that over the years of her working at the Presbyterian Hospital she had received 3 corrective action notices. Prior to the termination, restrictions had been placed on Rodman’s conduct due to personal problems impacting her and the people she worked with. Rodman was reprimanded in June of 1986 for receiving to many personal telephone calls and personal visitors at her work station. They were disruptive to her work and the work of her co-workers. The formal reprimand informed Rodman that she was to no longer receive personal telephone calls and/or visitors during work hours. Unless it was at a designated break or dinner time, if she were to have visitors at break or dinner time they could not be visible to patients, co-workers, or the doctors in the hospital. After the reprimand extremely disruptive telephone calls and visits continued. Leading up to the day Rodman was terminated. Rodman was to make every effort to resolve the personal issues in her life so they would not affect her at work. Issues: At issue is whether the misconduct Mrs. Rodman is accused of warranted termination from employment at the hospital rose to the level of misconduct which would warrant denial of unemployment compensation under NMSA 1978, Section 51–1–7 of the Unemployment Compensation Law. Rule: In order to establish misconduct the defendant must prove that Billie Rodman was â€Å"evincing such willful or complete disregard of the employer’s interests as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which the employer has the right to expect of his employee, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest equal culpability, wrongful intent or evil design or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer’s interests or of the employee’s duties and obligations to her employer. After being reprimanded 3 times and the behavior continuing, the hospital had proof that the actions were documented and the plaintiff was warned they had no choice but to terminate said employee. Analysis: The court found with the evidence provided from the hospital that Mrs. Rodman was reprimanded and warned as the policy states. The hospital put up with the actions of Mrs. Rodman long enough, they had no choice but to terminate Mrs. Rodman After the disregard of the policy. The plaintiff continued with the behavior she was reprimanded for. Conclusion: Although the evidence in the case is amendable to more than one conclusion it is concluded that there was a substantial basis for the District Court to decide that the Plaintiff is not to receive unemployment benefits. Analogizing/Distinguishing- Citation: Its Burger Time Inc. v. New Mexico Department of Labor Employment security department board of review & Lucy Apodaca, 769 NM, 2d, 88 (1989) Facts: Lucy was terminated from her position at Its Burger time Inc. because of misconduct. Lucy came into work one day with purple tinted hair. She had previously asked her store manager John Pena how Mr. McGrath the owner of the cooperation would feel about it. Mr. Pena said he would ask he never asked and Lucy decided to dye her hair. Mr. McGrath sees the purple hair on Lucy and asked Mr. Pena to relay a message to her that she had a week to decide if she wanted her purple hair or her job. Lucy decided not to change her hair color and in doing so she was fired for misconduct. Mr. McGrath stated that it would affect the prosperity of his business. Lucy had no history of issues in the past year she had worked there and in the few days she was there with her purple hair there were no complaints from customers. A few times Lucy even received compliments on her hair color. Issues: The issue in this case is that the company terminated Lucy because of misconduct. According to the definition of misconduct Lucy choosing to keep her hair purple was not misconduct. The company gave Lucy an ultimatum and she chose to keep her hair purple. Rule: In order to establish misconduct the Plaintiff in this case must prove that Lucy was â€Å"evincing such willful or complete disregard of the employer’s interests as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which the employer has the right to expect of his employee, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest equal culpability, wrongful intent or evil design or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer’s interests or of the employee’s duties and obligations to her employer. On the other hand mere inefficiency, unsatisfactory conduct, failure in good performance as the result of inability or incapacity, inadvertencies or ordinary negligence in isolated instances, or good faith errors in judgment or discretion are not to be deemed ‘misconduct’ within the meaning of the statute. †In this case Lucy did not commit misconduct in any way she made a choice to color her hair and the company could not prove with documentation of policies or past problems that Lucy was a burden to the company. Analysis: The courts found that Lucy was terminated from the company for misconduct, but the company could not prove that she had committed misconduct. She had never had any problems in the past, she asked permission, and decided that she would dye her hair when given the ultimatum she choose to keep her hair purple. That is not what misconduct when given the definition. Conclusion: The district court is reversed and the decision of the Commission is reinstated. Lucy is now able to receive her unemployment benefits.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The History of Root Beer and Inventor Charles Hires
According to his biography, Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires discovered a recipe for a delicious tisaneâ€â€a form of herbal teaâ€â€while on his honeymoon in New Jersey. Not long after, he began selling a dry version of the tea blend but it had to be mixed with water, sugar, and yeast and left to ferment for the carbonation process to take place. On the suggestion of his friend Russell Conwell (founder of Temple University), Hires began working on a liquid formulation for a carbonated root beer beverage that would be more appealing to the masses. The result was a combination of more than 25 herbs, berries, and roots that Hires used to flavor carbonated soda water. At Conwells urging, Hires introduced his version of root beer to the public at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial exhibition. Hires Root Beer was a hit. In 1893, the Hires family first sold and distributed bottled root beer. The History of Root Beer While Charles Hires and his family contributed greatly to the popularity of modern root beer, its origins can be traced to pre-colonial times during which indigenous tribes commonly created beverages and medicinal remedies from sassafras roots. Root beer as we know it today is descended from small beers, a collection of beverages (some alcoholic, some not) concocted by American colonists using what they had at hand. The brews varied by region and were flavored by locally grown herbs, barks, and roots. Traditional small beers included birch beer, sarsaparilla, ginger beer, and root beer. Root beer recipes of the era contained different combinations of ingredients such as allspice, birch bark, coriander, juniper, ginger, wintergreen, hops, burdock root, dandelion root, spikenard, pipsissewa, guaiacum chips, sarsaparilla, spicewood, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, prickly ash bark, sassafras root, vanilla beans, hops, dog grass, molasses, and licorice. Many of these ingredients are still used in root beer today, along with added carbonation. There is no single recipe for root beer. Fast Facts: Top Root Beer Brands If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Charles Hires would have a lot to feel flattered about. The success of his commercial root beer sales soon inspired competition. Here are some of the most notable root beer brands.A W: In 1919, Roy Allen bought a root beer recipe and began marketing his beverage in Lodi, California. A year later, Allen partnered with Frank Wright to form AW Root Beer. In 1924, Allen bought his partner out and obtained a trademark for the brand that is now the top-selling root beer in the world.Barqs: Barqs Root Beer debuted in 1898. It was the creation of Edward Barq, who along with his brother Gaston were the principals of the Barqs Brothers Bottling Company founded in the New Orleans French Quarter in 1890. The brand is still owned by the Barqs family but is currently manufactured and distributed by the Coca-Cola Company.Dads: The recipe for Dads Root Beer was created by Ely Klapman and Barney Berns in the basement of Klapmans Chicago-area ho me in the late 1930s. It was the first product to make use of the six-pack packaging format invented by the Atlanta Paper Company in the 1940s.Mug Root Beer: Mug Root Beer was originally marketed as â€Å"Belfast Root Beer†during the 1940s by the Belfast Beverage Company. The product name was later changed to Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer, which was then shortened to Mug Root Beer. Currently manufactured and distributed by PepsiCo, Mugs brand mascot is a bulldog named â€Å"Dog.†Root Beer and Health Concerns In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of sassafras as a potential carcinogen. Sassafras is one of the main flavoring ingredients in root beer. However, it was determined that the potentially dangerous element of the plant was found only in the oil. Once a method to extract the harmful oil from the sassafras was found, sassafras could continue to be used without harmful repercussions. As with other soft drinks, classic root beer is classified by the scientific community as a sugar-sweetened beverage or SSB. Studies have linked SSBs to a number of health concerns including obesity, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay. Even non-sweetened beverages, if consumed in too great a quantity, have the potential for negatively impacting health.
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