Wednesday, December 25, 2019
History of Terrorism - 3139 Words
THE CONTEXT OF TERRORISM Terrorism beams into our homes through television screens, it assaults us in newspapers and magazines, and it sometimes touches our lives in more direct manners. People do not seem to worry about the definition of terrorism at such times. They simply feel terror when they see the violence. Sometimes it seems as though the event itself defines terrorism. For example, when a plane is destroyed by a bomb, it is frequently called terrorism, but when military forces shoot down a civilian aircraft, it can be deemed an unfortunate mistake. The United States may launch missiles at a suspected terrorist base and claim it is defending national interests. Yet, it may condemn another country for doing the same thing in another†¦show more content†¦Modern terrorism originated from the French Revolution (1789–1795). It was used as a term to describe the actions of the French government. By 1848, the meaning of the term changed. It was employed to describe violent revolutionaries wh o revolted against governments. By the end of the 1800s and early 1900s, terrorism was used to describe the violent activities of a number of groups including: labor organizations, anarchists, nationalist groups revolting against foreign powers, and ultranationalist political organizations. After World War II (1939–1945), the meaning changed again. As people revolted from European domination of the world, nationalistic groups were deemed to be terrorist groups. From about 1964 to the early 1980s, the term terrorism was also applied to violent left-wing groups, as well as nationalists. In the mid-1980s, the meaning changed again. In the United States, some of the violent activity of the hate movement was defined as terrorism. Internationally, terrorism was viewed as subnational warfare. Terrorists were sponsored by rogue regimes. As the millennium changed, the definitions of terrorism also changed. Today terrorism also refers to large groups who are independent from a state, violent religious fanatics, and violent groups who terrorize for a particular cause such as the environment. It is important to realize that any definition is influenced by theShow MoreRelatedTerrorism : Terrorism And History1799 Words  | 8 PagesTerrorism evolution and history Terrorism narration may be as old as human evolution and political activities, where some superior entities invaded, terrorized and often captured and sold their opponents into slavery if their request were not met by the other person, group, or tribe (Mickolus, Simmons, 2014). Terrorism has no generally acceptable definition because of the evolving nature and wider spectrum and scope which make it difficult to classify or not to categorize as acts of terrorismRead MoreEssay on History of Terrorism1536 Words  | 7 PagesWe define terrorism as using force to influence or change a political decision. Given that there may be an array of situations the U.S. government and the American people are faced with on a daily basis, most would probably agree in saying that terrorism is the most imperative issue we are not only becoming victims to, but are interminably asked to deal with as well as finding a solution for. The history of terrorism can be traced back as far as the French revolution. Some of these acts of terrorismRead MoreThe History of Terrorism in America1861 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Terrorism in America tends to be a product of many issues, population as well as conflict that has co-existed within the nations borders. Uniquely United State has been known for its ability to contain multitudes in relative harmony. 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Terrorism is an act done by an individual or a group, using violence or the threat of violence to frighten people, in order to achieve a political, social or religious goal. The word â€Å"terrorism†comes from the French word terrorisme, meaning â€Å"to frighten.†Terrorism was originally referred specifically to state terrorism, which the French Government practised during the years 1793 – 1794 in the â€Å"reign of terror.†The roots and practices of terrorism can beRead MoreThe war on terrorism in Afghanistan has been the longest war in the history of the United States of1100 Words  | 5 PagesThe war on terrorism in Afghanistan has been the longest war in the history of the United States of America, the war that nobody wanted is finally coming to an end. Ever since the September 11th attack on the twin towers in the heart of New York, the United States has led a 13 year long war on terrorism in the war-torn country, Afghanistan. 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Terrorism is a tactic, yet it is a term used derogatorily to describe a certain group of people because of events in the recent past. Because of a sweeping generalizations about those that commit act of terrorism, terrorism has been turned into a â€Å"dirty†word to describe people, instead of the act that the word actually defines. Why do people decide to use terrorism as a derogatory moral classification? What causesRead MoreUnderstanding The War On Terror1522 Words  | 7 Pagesharmed from the terrorism for a long time. It is impossible for victims who are effected by the terrorism to live safely. Cruel terrorist group even attack female and children. The incidence of terrorism is increasing in the world. It is big problem in the world because countries worry about their citizen from the terrorism. The United States and other countries stuck to continue the war on terror. The war on terrorism has fought for a long time. The terrorism has had long history. Since ancient countriesRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1126 Words  | 5 PagesTerrorism Have you ever had a fear for your family, your town, your country, or your world. How about the fear to have everything taken from you, destroyed, and not caring if it has hurt you or not? What about your fear and pain is, and can be someone else’s happiness? The fear of you being terrorized? That is terrorism. Someone else bringing fear and terrorizing you. That is a terrorist’s goal. Terrorism is common and is very difficult to stop. The government promises protection for the people
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses - 799 Words
The purpose of this paper is to promote the enhancement of one’s writing skills through recognition of various strengths and weaknesses. This heightened awareness of one’s self will promote appropriate interventions that may be warranted in order to see changes in writing proficiency. Strengths and Weakness of Writing for Nurses As a nurse, one is more experienced in documenting objective assessments and evidenced based interventions (Diehl, 2007). Registered nurses are accomplished with shorthand writing style that one may have forgotten how to analytically write. An integral skill that this nurse has utilized since undergraduate years is the ability to draft ideas prior to initiating any written pieces. Creating a rough draft allows a person to liberally compose and put thoughts into perspective. A stronger thesis is formulated by evaluating the correlation of the claims with the main point, while eliminating any unnecessary redundancies. An additional strength this nurse possesses is the ability to include affirmative data to support all assertions. Evidence that is congruent with the premise provides sound reasoning for readers to comprehend. The audience might be more susceptible to accept the author’s view point if the evidence behind it is logical (Hacker Sommers, 2015, p. 100). In addition, countering standpoints have a place in one’s writing piece. By introducing a conflicting position, this adds credibility to the argument since it shows the audience that theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement For Nursing Leadership962 Words  | 4 Pagesissue then set goals to implement the plan. The purpose of this paper is to discuss my weaknesses and strengths to nursing, use of current leadership skills to advocate change in the workplace, and reflection on personal goal for leadership growth and development of implementation plan to reach goal. Weaknesses and Strengths to Nursing Within my nursing practice I have my own weaknesses and strengths to personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines, and reflectiveRead MoreMy Challenges and Strategies for Personal Success764 Words  | 4 PagesMy short term goal is to pursue masters in nursing. I see myself successfully completing the courses required, accomplish organizational skills, enhanced my ability to work well with other people and be a better nurse. My long term goal is to continue to be an active practicing nurse, using my learned graduate study skills and knowledge through teaching nursing students. Hopefully, in four to five years I will be an expert in the field of nursing. Challenges in meeting the goals Work is theRead MoreGraduate Study Challenges and Strategies and Strategies for Personal Success1009 Words  | 5 PagesAnother short term goal is to make writing a paper an easy task and turn in an excellent paper every time. 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Choice of Nursing In truth, a wide range of career possibilities did not exist in Southern Indiana whereRead MoreThe Prevention Of Abuse Experience By People With A Learning Disability1377 Words  | 6 Pagescollected for the purpose of the research therefore it may not answer the research questions. This may introduce some errors to the result and may affect the validity and reliability if the result (Aveyard, 2010; Ritchie et al., 2013). The style of writing was concise, grammatically arrange and well organised. The abstract discussed what the study was about. The purpose of the study was about preventing and supporting people with learning from abuse. The methods used in the research were approved byRead MoreStrengths And Weaknesses Of Nursing1644 Words  | 7 PagesStrengths of Nursing Theories Florence Nightingale, Martha Rogers, Dorothea Orem, Joyce Travelbee, and Jean Watson have advanced the nursing profession in the areas of practice, research, and education. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Siddhartha Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past Essay Example For Students
Siddhartha: Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past Essay Siddhartha: Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past Essay On page 132 we read Everything that was not suffered to the end and finally concluded, recurred, and the same sorrows were undergone. What does this mean in regards to Siddhartha and any other of the characters in Hesses story? Do you agree with this statement? Explain. This quote is taken from the context of when Siddhartha is crossing the river and he sees his reflection and it looks like his father. This quote refers to a repeating of events. It is illustrated by Brahmin being separated from Siddhartha and Siddhartha being separated from his own son. This parallels the quote in three ways. Taken literally it identifies the father-like-son aspect of the situation. It can be taken as a metaphor for the endlessness of time as well. Taken out of context, this quote identifies that anything that is not followed or completely worked through will continue to exist and it will repeat itself. Siddhartha left his father, Brahmin, at a young age to join the ascetics. Siddhartha is now considering the pain his father must have gone through not seeing his son again. Siddharthas son, too, was separated from his father. Without dealing with this situation, the distance between father and son would never be reconciled. Thus the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be repeated. The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pool. According to this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time without reconciliation are trapped until they are dealt with. The entire pool makes up all that time is. All the experiences and thoughts of past, present, and future that have not been dismissed all contribute to the whole of time. If the quote stood alone, without the context of Siddharthas reflections on his father and his son, it would state that anything that isnt finished through completion would forever hang in the cloud of time. Every thing that has not suffered to the end If something is not carried on to completion, it will repeat itself until the initiative is taken to finish it. .. .recurred, and the same sorrows were undergone. I can identify with this quote because at time I am prone to over committal. I will devote myself to too many things and I cannot physically complete them all. Thus there is always a shadow of stress and incompletion hanging over my head. This quote is especially effective because it deals with the sorrows that are to be endured until completion is pushed through. In summary, I believe that the quote is a motivating factor for Siddhartha to overcome the incomplete misfortunes of his past. When the undealt with problems of his past are dealt with, he can concentrate on living in the now and not being controlled by his past. Siddhartha realized that he must move forward in time, recognizing his past only as contributing factors to what he is. Siddharthas being encompasses more than just his experiences but also how he is prepared to deal with future situations. .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Kingship Essay Example
Kingship Essay To be a good king, God must pick you. In Elizabethan times, everyone believed that to be a king, you had to be blessed by the Right of Kings which comes from God. The Elizabethans followed many orders, this being one of them. The murder of a king is far worse than any other kind of crime as you destroy Gods order ad also the structure of society. Confusion now hath made his master piece. Most sacrilegious murder hath broken ope The Lords anointed temple. We will write a custom essay sample on Kingship specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kingship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kingship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The kings were measured on how great they were, this makes it possible for us to compare Duncan, Macbeth and Malcolm. This is the test, which Malcolm provides in Act 4 Scene 3. This play was written for King James 1 in memory of King Edward. King Edward has powers unlimited and could cure these qualities were supposed to be inherited by the next kings to come. I believe that Malcolm had these skills (as portrayed in Act 4 Scene 3). He also was witty and sharp to think of a test for Macduff. Duncan was a righteous king he was picked by God, and whoever he picked next would be righteous too. This was Malcolm, not Macbeth. The public would have agreed with Malcolm taking the throne and not Macbeth as God had picked Duncan, and then he picked Malcolm. Another good point about Duncan and then Malcolm to become king was that everyone like them as they were worthy of becoming kings. Malcolm was worthy, until after Duncans death, he fled. This turned the public against him, but it was Macbeths fault. In that way, Duncan and Malcolm were very much alike; but they were also different from one another in other ways. Duncan was a bad decision maker, as at the start of the play, we realise that Duncan has been tricked and deceived by the Thane of Cawdor, No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his present death, And with former title greet Macbeth. This shows that Duncan was a bit gullible, and also too loyal and trusting. He made a bad decision in making Macbeth Thane of Cawdor, as the power went to his head and he became greedy and selfish. This is the main way that Malcolm and his father were different. Malcolm was much wiser than his father and used tests; like in Act 4 Scene 3 with Macduff to test peoples loyalty and to see if they were genuine or not. This worked greatly in his and his countrys favour. King Edward is mentioned in the play in Act 4 Scene 3, but we dont actually get to see him. He represents all the good things that the king is supposed to have e.g. his powers to cure, Justice, verity, temprance, stableness etc. These are the qualities that Malcolm had they symbolised that he was gong to make a great and glorious king one day, just like Edward who sets a wonderful example for Malcolm. In comparison to Macbeth, we clearly see that Malcolm is meant to be a king, and not Macbeth. Macbeth created the worse crime possible he killed the king. This shows that he has committed crimes against God and the society in his day. As God picks the future kings (as he did with Duncan and Malcolm through Duncan), as a king, you must give thanks to God, but Macbeth didnt. Malcolm would make a good king, as he possessed the qualities of thankfulness and graciousness that every king needed. Malcolm would make a fantastic king, as he had the right to the throne, given by God, and he worshipped God, for that reason. He also was a pure man and had never told a lie, (Act 4 Scene 3), The taints and blames I laid upon myself, For strangers to my nature. I am yet Unknown to woman, never was forsworn. He also has many good qualities that a normal man would not have; But I have none. The king becoming graces, As justice, verity, temprance, stableness, Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude, As these are the king becoming graces, every king must possess them. Duncan possessed them and now Malcolm possesses them. All these qualities show that Malcolm has the great potential to be king and is on the peoples side being picked by God. He was like his father, who was a brilliant king and who everyone adored, only better. Therefore, in conclusion, according to all the evidence that I have presented, I think that Malcolm would make a great monarch. He has all the skills and necessary qualities to be a good ruler. Comparing him to the two past kings. He is better than both of them and would lead Scotland to victory after what Macbeth had done to it.
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