Saturday, August 31, 2019
How you can create your company Essay
We are a company that distributes and sells components, parts and computer equipment, in addition to a full range of electronic and technological equipment. We also provide maintenance and repairing of computers and diagnostic advisory systems. MISSION Providing high technology, communication, entertainment and computing solutions, both businesses and end consumers, always looking for customer satisfaction through competitive prices, variety, availability and speed of delivery, providing excellent care and personalized advice, finding solutions to the needs of our customers VISION Be considered as the best in technology nationwide and on the web, through a system of online catalog that allows customers to easily place their order and proceed to send quickly and safely around the country, ensuring quality and warranty. ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT TEAM President – Achieve and maintain customer satisfaction highest standards in their innovative products and services. Sales and Marketing – Supplies in the world, delivers added value products and for their customers. Commercial Services – Demonstrate commitment to sustainable development and play an important role in social responsibility. Sales Department – Functions are to prepare plans and sales budgets Customer Service – Its essential for customer service have updated statistics that reveal the opinion of its customers in order to make improvements and solutions PRODUCTS OR SERVICE – CELL PHONES Accessories Batteries Screen Filters – Cables Power Cables KVM Cables Cables for Printer – Tables and Chairs Scarves, CDs Mouse Pads Calculators – Cameras – Desktops – Hard Drives – Electronics – Scanners – Power Supplies – IPods – Games, Consoles – Ram memory – Monitors – Notebooks, netbooks – Cleaning Product – USB products – SD cards VARIOUS PRODUCTS ADVERTISEMENT (TO MAKE PEOPLE KNOW YOUR COMPANY) EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FIND IT ON TECHNOLOGY
Friday, August 30, 2019
Arthur Andersen
ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP CASE STUDY DUE: Sunday, May 12, 11:59pm 1. Discuss the environment, strategic, and organizational changes that occurred over the life of Andersen in the context of figure 11. 1. 2. Evaluate Andersen’s claim that their problems on the Enron audit were due to a few â€Å"bad partners†in the organization. If you disagree with this claim, discuss what you think were the root causes of the problem. 3. Suppose you were Andersen’s managing partner in the early 1990s.Would you have done anything differently than the actual management (assuming you knew only what they did at time)? 4. Discuss the relationship between what happened at Andersen and multitask principles agent theory. 5. Discuss the relation between the â€Å"hard†and â€Å"soft†elements of a firm’s corporate culture in the context of this case. 6. Do you think that the problems at Andersen were unique to them or did they exist at the other big accounting firms?Supp ose you were top partner at one of the major accounting firms at that time of Andersen’s demise. What actions, if any, would you take in response? Explain. 7. In 2000, the SEC proposed new regulations that would limit consulting work by accounting firms. This proposal was not passed by Congress. Do you think that the legislators were trying to act in the public interest when they failed to pass this proposal? Explain. 8.The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the primary professional association for certified public accountants. It has developed a Code of professional conduct that sets standards of conduct for CPAs. People can file complaints about ethical conduct of a CPA with the AICPA, which can levy sanction and other penalties against its members. Do you think the unethical conduct at Andersen (and possibly other accounting firms) was the fault of the AICA for not setting and enforcing higher ethical standards among its members?Explain. 9. The Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 established a new five –person board to oversee financial accounting in publicly traded corporations. The board is appointed by the Securities and Exchanges Commission. Prior to the creation of this board the industry relied primarily on self-regulation through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Do you think the establishment of the new oversight board was a good idea or should the profession have continued to be self-regulated?
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Child Labour in Pakistan Essay
Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet. These are also part of our society who have forgotten the pleasures of their childhood. When a child in addition to getting education, earns his livelihood, this act of earning a livelihood is called as child Labour. The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child Labour as: 1- when a child is working during early age 2- he overworks or gives over time to Labour 3- he works due to the psychologically, socially, and materialistic pressure 4- he becomes ready to Labour on a very low pay Another definition states: â€Å"Child Labour†is generally speaking work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally or blocking access to education), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF) defines â€Å"child†as anyone below the age of 18, and â€Å"child Labour†as some type of work performed by children below age 18. (UNICEF)Child Labour is an important and a serious global issue through which all and sundry countries of the world are directly or indirectly affected, but, it is very common in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Systematic Review - THE IMPACT THAT NURSE PRESCRIBING IS HAVING ON THE NHS (In relation to cost effectiveness and the views of patients and other health care pr - Essay Example The government also around this time, introduced supplementary prescribing, whereby nurses and pharmacists would be able to prescribe medicines to patients after an initial assessment by a doctor or dentist had taken place. This was thought to be very beneficial to nurses especially when working with patients with asthma, diabetes and mental illness. With independent and supplementary prescribing, the Government pledged that by 2004, over half of all nurses would be able to prescribe medicines. (DoH, 2002). Due to the increase in numbers of nurses prescribing and the future forms of health provisions, a systematic review on the effectiveness of nurse prescribing will be undertaken. This will focus on the cost benefits to the NHS and what patients and other health care professional’s views of nurse prescribing are. Objectives: The aim of this review is to evaluate the impact and effects of nurse prescribing to date and to highlight areas of further research, which may be needed. The review will provide a summary of the current state of knowledge into nurse prescribing, to hopefully inform policy and practice and identify areas of need and shall rely upon nurse prescribing literature published from, 2000 until the present. Literature from other countries will not be invluded. Search Strategy: The search strategy for this review complied with Cochrane standards. To obtain the literature electronic databases were searched, using key words (The impact of nurses prescribing). The databases searched were CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, SERFILE, Oxford Journals Online, Jstor, ProQuest, ABI Inform and Academic Search Premier. Selection Criteria: Articles published from 2000 onwards and whose methodological approach was both clearly stated and appropriate were deemed suitable for inclusion, provide that they were both scholarly and peer-reviewed. Another criterion for inclusion was article focus as the reviewer had,
Performance Management and Job Evaluation Essay
Performance Management and Job Evaluation - Essay Example (Ivancevich, 2006) There are a number of methods of job evaluation; such as Job Ranking, Job Classification, Point Method and Factor Comparison method. In this paper, the point method would be employed for the comparison of the given jobs. The said method is chosen because, this is a quantitative measure, and thus the elements of subjectivity are removed. This can be applied to a wide range of jobs. Moreover, this can be applied for the newly created jobs equally well. However, there are certain limitations in this method too, thus it is assumed that the pays are accurately assigned for each job and there were no biases while assigning the pay for each factor. (Armstrong and Barron, 2004) Following are the steps followed to determine the relative worth of the product, followed by respective rationales. In this method, a set of the factor are identified that should be compensated. These factors are broadly classified into following categories. There are some jobs where the experience is essential, such as those involving some unstructured or semi structured decision making. Higher the requirement of asset, high the productivity and thus there should be higher compensation for it. If the mental effort is required, it should be paid higher than the requirement f physical effort. ... The more non-routine abilities required, the grater should be the compensation. Responsibilities If the responsibilities are broader, such as the responsibility to supervise as well, it should be paid higher. Dominant Effort If the mental effort is required, it should be paid higher than the requirement f physical effort. It is so because; the mental effort requires more education and experience so as to be able to take semi-structured and unstructured decisions. Working Conditions If the working conditions are not conducive, the employee should be paid higher. The next step is to determine the various levels for each of the factors determined previously. The levels identified were A. Experience 1. no experience 2. less than 1 year 3. 1-2 years 4. more than 2 years B. Education 1. Graduate 2. Undergraduate 3. High School Pass 4. No education C. Ability required 1. expert 2. average 3. routine work D. Responsibilities 1. Individual 2. Supervisory E. Dominant Effort 1. Mental 2. Physical F. Working Conditions 1. Extreme 2. Mild 3. Conducive After this, the next step is to assign the rating to each factor on the basis of its worth, the rate assigned are as follows Factor Name Level: 1 2 3 4 Maximum Experience 1.2 2.5 3.8 5.0 5 Education 1.8 3.5 5.2 7.0 7 Ability Required 2.7 5.3 8.0 8 Responsibility 5.0 10.0 10 Efforts 3.5 7.0 7 Working Conditions 2.7 5.3 8.0 8 The above mentioned maximum rating to each factor is based on its perceived worth on the scale of 1 to 10. This may however be subjective, but that subjectivity would be effective on all jobs to be evaluated, rather than being biased to only one. The rating to all levels of a factor is determined by equally dividing the maximum rate for the factor among all the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Realism and Idealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Realism and Idealism - Essay Example Take for instance a U.S. nation where every citizen is inclined to get by the latest trends in technology and relevant aspects of industrialization or the modern thinking of wellness by achieving personal satisfaction through continuous individual endeavor, an increase in self-respect is established as a consequence. With an improved sense of well-being, one chooses to act with freedom that yields a more conscious attachment to the golden rule of acting with liberty yet preserving the value of not causing any potential impedance on anyone’s path. Because a person at this stage is shaped by a justice model aimed at even distribution of resources, one learns the essence of working interdependently so that the desired individual objectives are made capable of casting reflections that affect others in the similar manner. The outcome of the conceptualized justice in application should however ensure agreement on base policies that constitute every individual’s freedom in rel ation to the welfare of the rest of the society. In this fashion, J. Rawls took to account the social contract proposed by Locke as well as the equal allocation of all social primary goods. While the typical odds may direct it to the risks of acquiring a communist profile along with the corresponding disadvantages thereof, American culture has become sufficiently flexible to adopt an ideology patterned after Rawls’ proposition. If liberty, wealth, opportunity, and confidence have been met in the process such that these good attributes.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Transnational Media Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Transnational Media Globalization - Essay Example Frames are seen as a perfect metaphor for media because they're diverse and indefinite, that is, they allow for a measure of flexibility, of definition, and use. According to Watson "we have picture frames into which we insert images that in turn, in some way or another, provide us with representation; something that has been subject to a number of wider frames, each one manipulating and influenced by the other (2007, p. 107)." It is critical to identify the difference between frames that are visible, immediately identifiable and those that are invisible, whose presence you sense but is often difficult to single out. These are identified as subliminal. The newspaper page is a frame, from its headlines, headings and subtitles, to the position of photographs, to the shifts in print size: the bigger the story, the bigger the type. Well, not exactly and not always, with television we can readily recognize framing devices (Creeber 2001, p110). In his novel, "Putting 'Reality' together: BBC News, Philip Schlesinger refers to a specific case in which the BBC in collaboration with the British government exercised the act of gate-keeping to prevent an originally green-lit investigative report from being broadcast. In the book Schlesnigner notes "the New Statesman journalist,, Duncan Campbell, was, commissioned by the BBC in November 1985 to make a series of six programmes called Secret Society originally to be broadcast on BBC-2 in November 1986. The series as a whole was controversial, its topics including the abuse of private data, problems of British radar systems, freedom of information, the powers of the Association of Chief Police officers, and government authority during nuclear emergencies (Schlesinger, xxv)." The piece was set to reveal many vulnerabilities in public policy that gave elites and government figures the privilege to exploit their positions. Schlesinger goes on to point how the specific aspect of the pro gram that would make controversial stemmed from a government cover-up by Parliament not to reveal the details of a secret satellite project, codenamed Zircon , for which funding had been passed through the House of Common's Public Accounts Committee (Schlesinger, xxv). While the program was cleared to be aired on December 4th 1986 by the Assistant Director-Genreal of the BBC, Alan Protheroe, it was eventual banned by the Director-General, Alasdair Milne on January 15th 1987 on the grounds of national security (Schlesinger, xxv). This is a classic example of gate-keeping and censorship practiced by the BBC for the sake of protecting the policy makers and elites of the country. The gate swings shut
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Customer Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Customer Management - Essay Example For instance, CRM vendors are integrating functions of business intelligence via internal product enhancement; in fact, this process is involving seeking support from third parties. In this case assessment of CRM capability is considered as a way of bolting on analytics to operational CRM in order to create work for enterprises. In situations, where CRM customers are involved capability assessment becomes indispensable due to identification if crucial word that would drive vendor features set. There are situations where integration trend in the CRM systems that may render business-intelligence vendors unnecessary; thus, there is need for CRM capability assessment. Moreover, this serves as a way of identifying new opportunities for enterprises to identify substantial ROI from the costly implementation of CRM systems (Woodcock, 2005, 270). Therefore, this assessment enables the organization to identify things that are missing and determining whether capability is still turning data int o insights that surpass technology enhancements. CRM capability assessment is also undertaken due to increasing variety of companies, who are concentrating on one or more aspects of analytical CRM. These aspects include clarity in identification of customer preferences, perceptions and opinions. Information gathered during this assessment is fed into critical processes within the entire CRM for increased improvements (Woodcock, 2005, 270). CMR capabilities assessment has enables realization of the contribution made by technological advancement into CRM systems (Woodcock, 2005, 220). In this case, it is affiliating the process of ensuring that CRM systems are meeting firms' requirements. Therefore, CMR capabilities assessment can be regarded as a way facilitating effectiveness of CRM systems, thereby leading to better performance of the business (Woodcock, 2005, 138). Consequentially, this can lead to maximization of profitability in the short term; in fact, this enables identificati on of growth opportunities and building competitive advantages (Woodcock, 2005, 138). Therefore, CRM capability assessment is regarded as a way of applying strategies that maximize shareholders value by identifying and eliminating short term strategies that destroy assets and failing to capitalize on the companies' core capabilities (Woodcock, 2005, 138). ii. Reducing Risk through CRM Capability Assessment Companies have been subjected to serious attacks from customers due to issues concerning relationship and their way of doing business (Woodcock, 2005, 409). These attacks involves attempts by employees to get involved in activities such as fraud, money laundering, illegal trading and exploitation of loopholes in credit or insurance products. In this case, CRM capability assessment involves use of technology advancement in order to ensure that companies are facing fewer chances for face-to-face for processes such as validation of identities and determining credit worthiness(Woodcoc k, 2005, 409). Besides, perpetrators of illegal activities in businesses are likely to work in teams through the internet and model telephony for communication in ways that are difficult for authorities to indentify. Therefore, capability assessment of CRM is utilized as a way of bridging this security
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Systems Analysis and Design_Aug13 Assignment - Nancy's Novelty Cakes
Systems Analysis and Design_Aug13 - Nancy's Novelty Cakes - Assignment Example 24 Schedule 24 b) Spreadsheet program 25 Task 3- B Graph 26 Increase in Sales Each Year 26 The above given graph clearly indicates that this investment will bring increase to expected sales. 27 Sales v/s Revenue 27 27 Above given graph demonstrates the relationship between sales and revenue. This graph clearly shows an increase in sales due to the increase in revenue. 27 Task 3- C 27 In this analysis I have shown a relationship between different variables such as the overall sales and total revenue. These relationships are demonstrates over a progress of four years and in a steady fashion. These relationships outline a steady line of increase in sales and overall increase in revenue after 2 years. ... ign 33 References 34 Introduction Nancy’s Novelty Cakes is a small confectionery business, which is expert in making novel and special occasion cakes for customers. Up till now, this company has been using a traditional approach for the management of its business operations. In this scenario, it has developed and maintained a file of cakes designs along with costs associated with those cakes. With the passage of time the management realized that this traditional approach is not useful for the successful management of business operations. Hence, they have decided to develop and implement a new technology based system. In this scenario, Nancy’s Novelty Cakes business is looking for an effective way to replace its old manual system they have had for the last 5 years with a new computerised system. I am a member of IT Company that is specialized in design and development of computerised business systems. Our consultancy firm has won a contract from this client. In this case our team is responsible for the development and implementation of a new technology based system for the better corporate operational and procedures management. This report presents a detailed analysis of some of the important aspects associated with the development and implementation of this new system. This report will discuss the requirements specification and design related aspects of Nancy Nancy’s Novelty Cakes business. This report is divided into different tasks and each task addresses specific topic. Task 1 a) System lifecycle model Software/system development lifecycle or simply the SDLC is a theoretical outline or process that demonstrates the phases or steps required for the development of a software application. In fact, this process outlines all the steps from preliminary feasibility
Friday, August 23, 2019
The slavery in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The slavery in America - Research Paper Example Most of them were enslaved for agricultural purposes, such as, cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugar production. Majority of these African slaves were American born since slave import to United States was officially banned in 1808, however, thousands of Africans were smuggled during next 50 years after ban on international trade. Among 40 million Africans were the descendents of those 12 to 13 million Africans who were kidnapped and brought to America in a massive slave trade starting from 1400s. Most of those enslaved Africans were either died in the brutal passages from Africa or landed in the West Indies or in South and Central America. Nearly 5 million Africans were imported to Brazil only (Davis, n.d.). There are three basic reasons which started and accelerated the practice of slavery in America. Firstly, early America needed cheap and excessive labor. Secondly, the belief of master and worker was prevalent in Americas. Thirdly, the prejudice against people of color and racism led to acceptance and justification of slavery in American society. With the increase in large plantations in the Southern states and invention of cotton gin, need of cheap and hardworking labor increased, therefore, slavery flourished even more in America (Buell, 2004, p.9). Though slave trade was practiced as an economic activity, but it entirely differs from traditional trade since its product is nothing else but human being. In a nonslave economy, workers determine the workload and consumption decision. Therefore, labor is different from other factors of productions. On the other hand, in slave economy, owner determines the workload and consumption (feeding) (Barzel, 1977, p.87). From the time when a Dutch ship smuggled 20 enslaved Africans in Virginia colony to 1865 when U.S Constitutions 13th Amendment and Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation (1863) ended slavery, 12 generations of Africans survived in America.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Social Media Essay Example for Free
Social Media Essay Social Media Discuss the four components of a legally astute social media marketing manager who utilizes social media outlets for consumer transactions and how each component can mitigate the risk involved in doing business in cyberspace. The four characteristics of a legally astute manager are: an acceptance of how important the law is to the success of the organization, a proactive attitude toward legal issues and regulations, the ability to use informed judgment when faced with decisions involving legal implications, and having the knowledge of specific laws, regulations, tools and resources. Social media marketing manager should be well educated about these four components. Today, more and more companies are using the social media for marketing purposes. Moreover, you might fall far behind, if you don’t. So, it’s important to be well informed about legal aspects of social media, since it’s a new way for building relationships with the customers. List and analyze methods of alternative dispute resolution and determine which would be most effective in resolving genuine disputes that arise with consumers who may make purchases from businesses that provide links via social media. Cortes, P. (n/d) talks about online dispute resolutions: ODR in the consumer context refers to the use of ICT tools and methods (usually alternative to the court system) employed by businesses and consumers (B2C) to settle conflicts that arise out of economic transactions between the parties, particularly in e-commerce. It is often distinguished from other fields where ODR is used, such as in the commercial field (B2B), in the public sphere to resolve government and citizen (G2C) disputes, and in the resolution of disputes related to intellectual property. A consumer transaction (B2C), akin to a consumer dispute, will be one where an individual, acting on a personal capacity, buys goods or services for his or her personal use. Conversely, a business is an individual or an entity that acts on a professional capacity selling goods or services as part of their profession. In a B2C dispute, the aggrieved party is frequently the consumer as they normally pay in advance for their purchased goods and services. Consequently, the consumer is the weaker party in a dispute where the business has the payment and the experience of dealing with similar disputes. Consumers will often get more involved in the dispute, taking it more personal, and thus requiring a more transformative solution, while the business is mostly interested in resolving the dispute as fast and inexpensively as possible. In certain cases, businesses will be keen in resolving the dispute in order to maintain their reputation. This is relevant when, as it happens in eBay, the buyer leaves feedback after a transaction. When ODR is effectively used in this way, it has an added value for the parties; it increases the consumers’ trust in those online sellers that provide ODR services. Greater trust means that reliable sellers would boost their trade and consumers will be protected from the potential abuse by the dominant party in the transaction. ODR services may be employed to ensure that consumers’ rights are respected by the online vendor, hence enhancing consumers’ confidence in the online transaction.1 As a result, ODR would ultimately enhance the business’s ability to sell while at the same time protecting the consumer’s ability to participate safely in e-commerce. E-commerce is thought to be one of the areas where ODR will flourish as it seems logical for parties that enter into disputes online to use the same medium, the Internet, to resolve their disputes. The resolution of small value disputes that inevitably arise out of millions of transactions taking place every day between parties located far from each other require the use of cost-efficient methods of dispute resolution. Examples of ODR providers that resolve high volume of consumer disputes are eBay and PayPal, which act as third neutral parties encouraging first business and consumers to reach amicable agreements through automated negotiation, and when parties cannot reach consensual agreements, they adjudicate the disputes. Since consumer transactions on social media can occur across state lines, determine how the federal government can bet control these transactions. Selis; Ramasastry; Kim; Smith (n/d) have noted that the Web have provided tremendous opportunities for both businesses and customers. Businesses can reach lots of customers across the globe in much easier and faster ways. Customers can complete their transactions a lot faster too. They can also find anything they want. However, online transactions also create possibilities for online crime too. Below are some laws that were created by the government for online transaction regulations: The United States does not have a comprehensive privacy statute that governs the collection and use of personally identifiable information, either online or through traditional business practices. There are, however, a number of sector-specific laws that govern the collection and use of data. 1. COPPA Currently, no federal statutes require the placement of privacy policies on Internet web sites other than the Children’s Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). COPPA is applicable only to web sites collecting information from children who are younger than 13 years old.53 The law became effective on April 1, 2000. The Act requires Internet operators, including ISPs and web site operators, to: (1) Provide parents with conspicuous notice of what information is collected, how the information will be used, and the websiteÕs disclosure practices; (2) Obtain prior, verifiable parental consent for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information from children (there are limited exceptions); (3) Provide parents the opportunity to view and prevent the further use of personal information that has been collected on the website; (4) Limit collection of personal information for a childÕs online participation in a game, prize offer, or other activity to information that is reasonably necessary for that activity; and (5) Establish and maintain reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the personal information that is collected. 2. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act (GLBA) The GLBA was signed into law on November 12, 1999 by President Clinton. Title V of the GLBA governs the collection, use, and dissemination of non-public consumer financial information by financial institutions. Gramm-Leach-Bliley requires financial institutions to: (1) Provide clear and conspicuous notice to consumers of their privacy policy upon establishing the customer relationship and at least annually thereafter; (2) Give consumers the opportunity to Ã’opt outÓ of having their non-public personal information disclosed to nonaffiliated third parties; and (3) Provide a reasonable method for consumers to Ã’opt outÓ of such disclosures to nonaffiliated third parties. 3. Other Statutes, Regulations, and Directives Containing Provisions Protecting Privacy of Consumer Information Include: a. Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (47 USC  ¤521 et seq.,  ¤611) This Act addresses concerns about the ability of interactive cable systems to track cable consumer viewing or buying habits. It prohibits the collection of personally identifiable information without the consumer’s prior consent except as needed to render service provided by the operator or to prevent interception. b. Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Ac t of 1994 (47 USC  ¤Ã‚ ¤1001-1- 10;  ¤1021; 18 USC  ¤2522) This Act establishes protection for cordless telephone conversations and establishes a warrant requirement for government access to e-mail addresses. c. Driver Privacy Protection Act of 1994, and as amended in 1999 This law protects state motor vehicle records and restricts their dissemination to only authorized parties and in many instances only for specified purposes. The 1999 amendments tie state compliance to the appropriation of federal transportation funds for states. d. Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (18 USC  ¤1367,  ¤ 2232,  ¤2510 et seq.,  ¤2701 et seq.,  ¤3117,  ¤3121 et seq.) This Act protects all forms of electronic transmissions, including video, text, audio and data from unauthorized interception. e. Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 USC  ¤ 1693) The Act requires financial institutions to include in an initial account disclosure the circumstances under which it will disclose information to third parties. f. Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 USC  ¤1681 et seq.) This Act regulates the disclosure of personal information by consumer credit reporting services. It requires such services to adopt reasonable procedures to ensure the accuracy of personal information contained in their credit reports. It also provides a process for consumers to review and correct inaccurate information on a credit report. Credit report information can be shared with affiliates when a consumer is told the information may be shared and is given the opportunity to opt out from information sharing with affiliates. The FCRA does not restrict the amount or type of information to be released to third party inquirers when the reporting agency has reason to believe it will be used for credit, employment or insurance evaluations or other Ã’legitimate business needsÓ affecting the individual consumer. It prohibits those who are no credit reporting agencies from disseminating or redistributing credit information. The law does not explicitly address the sharing of transactional, empirical information. This silence has been interpreted by the Office of the Comptroller to mean that the information can be shared freely with third parties. g. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 USC  ¤1232g) This Act protects the accuracy and confidentiality of student records. h. Federal Trade Commission Act (15 USC  ¤41 et seq.) This Act, which creates the Federal Trade Commission (Ã’FTCÓ) establishes among other things consumer fair business practices and gives the FTC jurisdiction and authority to address unfair, deceptive or misleading business practices. Examine the three branches of government and discuss which can effectuate the most significant impact on regulating significant impact on regulating consumer transactions via social media outlets. The government has three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  · Executive: Ruled by the president. The president transfers out federal laws and endorses new ones, leads national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. Authorities include guiding government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and rejecting laws.  · Legislative: Ruled by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, creating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate).  · Judicial Ruled by the Supreme Court. Its authorities include understanding the Constitution, revising laws, and determining cases involving states rights. Explain the agency relationship that exists on social media sites between the social media provider and businesses that utilize the site for advertising. Almost all organizations are trying to use social media in order to reach potential customers. However, it’s not so easy as it sounds. A company should have a certain strategy in order to promote itself on social media. Manage My Socials (2013) explains the social media agency: The social media agency actually works for building new bonds and making the existing bonds stronger among the company and its customers or followers. Once the company becomes famous and people get to know about its existence and start trusting it, half of the work of marketing department is done. Therefore, a few starting years are very crucial for any organization from marketing point of view. Once the company becomes renowned by the general public it becomes easier to make them follow. The area of a social media management encompasses the social media as well as building the online public relationship between the company and its customers stronger and more trustworthy. In addition with the marketing department, the social media agency collaborates with the search, planning, development and customer services departments to fulfill the need and demands of the customers and earning their trust. This also brings about healthy exchange of information within the complete organization of the company. Marketing and communication within the company and outside the company becomes more effective with the involvement of these social media managers. Thus, the overall productivity and efficiency of the other departments is enhanced and the business also flourishes. The scope of a social media agency has increased many folds these days in the modern business strategies. Some organizations seek the services of these managers for specific duration of time while others hire them permanently. Both approaches are equally beneficial for the business and you should assess which one of them is more suitable for your business. There are some specialized social media management agencies which provide professional and specialized managers to work on a specific project for a specific duration of time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Areas of Sociology Essay Example for Free
Areas of Sociology Essay Sociology is a very broad and diverse field. There are many different topics and scopes in the field of sociology, some of which are relatively new. The following are some of the major areas of research and application within the field of sociology. For a full list of sociology disciplines and areas of research, visit the sociology disciplines page. Family. The sociology of family examines things such as marriage, divorce, child rearing, and domestic abuse. Specifically, sociologists study how these aspects of the family are defined in different cultures and times and how they affect individuals and institutions. Deviance And Crime. These sociologists, also called criminologists, examine cultural norms, how they change over time, how they are enforced, and what happens to individuals and societies when norms are broken. Deviance and social norms vary among societies, communities, and times, and often sociologists are interested in why these differences exist and how these differences impact the individuals and groups in those areas. Demography. Demography refers to a populations composition. Some of the basic concepts explored in demography include birth rate, fertility rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, and migration. Demographers are interested in how and why these demographics vary between societies, groups, and communities. Social Inequality. The study of social inequality examines the unequal distribution of power, privilege, and prestige in society. These sociologists study differences and inequalities in social class, race, and gender. Sociologists who study health and illness focus on the social effects of, and societal attitudes towards, illnesses, diseases, disabilities, and the aging process. This is not to be confused with medical sociology, which focuses on medical institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and physician offices as well as the interactions among physicians. Work And Industry. The sociology of work concerns the implications of technological change, globalization, labor markets, work organization, managerial practices, and employment relations. These sociologists are interested in workforce trends and how they relate to the changing patterns of inequality in modern societies as well as how they affect the experiences of individuals and families. Race And Ethnicity. The sociology of race and ethnicity examines the social, political, and economic relations between races and ethnicities at all levels of society. Topics commonly studied include racism, residential segregation, and the differences in social processes between racial and ethnic groups. Military sociology looks at the military as a social group rather than an organization and examines issues related to coerced collective action, survival in vocation and combat, civilian-military relations, and interactions between other groups or government agencies. Education. The sociology of education is the study of how educational institutions determine social structures and experiences. In particular, sociologists might look at how different aspects of educational institutions (teacher attitudes, peer influence, school climate, school resources, etc. ) affect learning and other outcomes. Religion. The sociology of religion concerns the practice, history, development, and roles of religion in society. These sociologists examine religious trends over time, how various religions affect social interactions both within the religion and outside of it, and relations within religious institutions. The Internet. Sociology of the Internet includes the analysis of online communities (newsgroups, social networking sites, etc. ) and virtual worlds. Sociologists are interested in the social implications of the Internet and how virtual communities and worlds are transforming real communities and societies across the globe.
Divinity of Rama in Ramayana
Divinity of Rama in Ramayana Divinity of Rama in Ramayana The Ramayana is as old and mysterious a poem just as the controversial divinity of Rama, the protagonist. The question of whether Rama is a divine being or just a ‘written-about here has been lingering in the minds of many scholars, especially Western Scholars, for so long a time and still remains satisfactorily answered. Many attempts have gone into critically examining the Ramayana, the first and without any doubt most important Indian poem. Many scholars have marshaled a host of interpretation on interpolations that to some extent explain the doubts that Ramas divinity was not part of the original poem but rather later additions. Using Homeric analysis some scholars posit that a given passage can be dropped or added to an original piece of art in this case the Ramayana.Therefore the sections of the Ramayana presenting Rama as a divine here were later interpolations. They support the view that Rama is a divine incarnation was not an original part of the poem but a later addition. It is argued that the deification of Rama is was a slow process of euhumerisation whereby a â€Å"Semi-hero†of past historic and heroic scene reincarnates through and local divinity into a demigod status, only later on to achieve deity[1]. On the contrary, however, Rama is presented as a ‘thorough human. This is the opinion held by Western scholars. The reason is that about a quarter of vulgate did not form the original â€Å"valmiki†poem from which all our versions come[2]. The divinity of Rama is to be addressed from the higher ‘criticism because even so, arguments that challenge his divinity have been fronted party because of the enormity of doubt. For example books II VI according to Ruben, a Western scholar, were all later insertions to the original work. On the contrary Rama is assumed to be reincarnation of Vishnu, through a heroic epic. However, some scholars argue that Ramas divinity is not to be judged with accordance to the later additions to the Ramayana but be judged from the entire perspective of Ramayana[3]. Ramas interview with his dead father ‘Dasaratha is a divine capacity. Rama, ‘the heart of the gods, and their deepest secret is presented as divine being or so. Because, how then can he talk to his dead father as if the dead father was still alive, and wishes him well and ‘a long life. This is more than just human. Its the logic of divinity meaning the human embodiment of divinity. Rama was a great ruler, with the features expected of a husband. Indian traditions and culture view the easy accommodation of a ‘divine being into an ‘ideal human. If Rama was an ideal man as postulated, it was only possible he became the ‘divine savior.[4] From books II VI, Rama is presented as a hero who challenges evil. A human figure to defeat superhuman adversity probably, Rama has the divine power to be able to do just that[5]. From such happenings the Ramayana is laden with the mystery of Ramas nature. It makes no logic that Rama; a human being can destroy Ravana supers natural being because indeed the two cannot be linked, not unless there is a divine force to bond the two diversities.There are some explicit statements from Ramayana that present Ramas as a King with more than human powers. Surpanakha for example presents Rama to her brother Khara as â€Å"the image of the king of gandharras[6]. Sita refers to Rama as having divine powers. It becomes evidently clear that Rama indeed has divine powers and is not only a human King figure but rather a godly one too. There are direct statements from Ramayana that express the superhuman nature of Rama. He receives those words from Laksmana in the third book when Rama was getting re ady to destroy the Worlds in a fit of rage over the demise of site[7]. The Ramayana narrative excludes gods and categorically so, similarly, it debars men implicitly just like the Greek epic of Achilles. In both, we encounter the ‘heroic paradox. Just as Achilles superhuman character in the epithelia cited above, Rama qualifies to the same caliber of socio-religious stature of divine beings. And reaching the Ramayana, it enables us to transform it to the mythic level of struggle between divinity and humanity, evil and good. So then, transforming the character of the antagonist to envision the ability of the hero to engage formidable and vast unearthly powers of the foe is true of Rama.[8] In the Indian cultural history, evil is not presented a psychosocial problem of human life but is rather presented as a mythic problem. Note that the demonic issue does not constitute itself as plainly a human issue and cannot be devised in human terms because the human expresses itself only as in opposition to demonic. And the struggle against demonic evil is a s such lying wholly beyond the sphere of human participation[9]. Evil is terrestrial, and in this universe, the extermination of evil is only divine. Rama was banished and excluded from taking kingship. However, according to Ayodhyakanda, Bharadvaja, a prophet tells Bharata that he should not fault Kaikayi because Ramas banishment will turn out to be a great blessing (Pollock 512). Previously Bharata had refused to consent to Ramas wishes to become king. The destructions following the death of the king of Ayodhya forced all seers into a committee that spoke to Bharata about the destruction of Ravana. The Ramayana clearly spells out the rather superhuman nature of Rama; both in its original form and even with the added chapters to it. The entire narration is bent on giving Rama a divine appearance. Rama is documented to have seen the wise lad himself, the lord of gods, his body luminous of fire or the sun. Rama witnessed this apparition on his way to the ashram of the sage of Sarabhanga[10]. This passage where Rama sees the lord of the gods can be adequately defended from the conventional interpretation. At the defeat of Ravana, Ramas father appears and the conversation that ensued proves further that Rama was supreme among men. The excerpt vividly portrays Rama as a human -semi-god with the ability to combat evil even for the other gods. In the Ramayana, the boons particulars were that Ravana would not be destroyed or slain by anything be it gods, danavas, gandharvas pisacas birds or even serpents. Ravana though is greedy and wanted the ultimate power of immortality, Ravanas destruction by Rama as such was a work of the gods to avenge the abusive character of Ravana. The connection between the gods and Rama is imminent enough to account for Ramas divinity[11]. Looking back at the birth of Rama, in the Balakanda, it comes near to explaining and declaring Ramas birth plus that of his three brothers as borne by divine intervention; their births as incarnations of Vishnu. This part of the Balakanda is nearer to the older pattern than the second part of Uttarakanda, where the prevailing attitude is that Rama is divine. However later on, the attitude of dedication and complete self-surrender to Rama re-establishes Rama as an incarnation of Vishnu. However, the lack of the term Avatara is less surprising in the general sense of which it can be used to describe the four brothers as ‘embodied Avataras as it were of dharma, Artha and Kama together with Moksa. Probably the growth of the storys popularly influenced religious convictions to all because, as early as the Uttarakanda Ramas story was widespread, wide enough to evoke a religious following[12]. Maybe to point out a little behind the mind thought could Ramas following have a cultish aspect? Maybe later on one can cite the incident where the crow that tormented Sita takes refuge in Rama, himself, from his arrow. This incident though later on accommodated as usual points at the inclinations towards divinity of Rama. The Ramayana does not give evidence of the existence cult before the 12th century. However, there should be no denying that one could have been there. The question of why the crow rested with Rama poses a question of whether righteous inclination is an all time right or a compromised right. But rather emphasizing Ramas righteousness, one would follow the network of Ramas following and its amazing how divine Rama is conceived to have been. Rama is readily tolerable in the Buddhist tradition, as a Bodhisattva. In Jainism Rama is accepted as one of the greatest figures[13]. It is true that the popularity of Ramayana precipitates the widespread controversy on the divinity of Rama in the story and the controversy on whether his divinity is an inclusion in the poem. Despite the opposing western perspectives Rama is understood widely as one who is righteous, dharmajua, and grateful, truthful and resolute. There are indications from his virtues, which point to the fact that Rama was more than human. The attributes of Rama to challenge evil complete the Ramayana story so that it points at the essence of the divinity of Rama from the onset. Therefore Rama is divine and his divinity is not an inclusion in the Ramayana. Work cited Brockington, Joseph. Righteous Rama: the evolution of an epic, London, UK: Oxford University Press, 1985 Datta, Amaresh. The Encyclopedia of Indian Literature (Volume One (A To Devo), New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2006 Pollock, Sheldon. The divine king in the Indian epic. Journal of the American oriental society. Vol.104 (3) 1984; 505-528 Sharma, Ramashraya. Socio-Political Study of the Valmiki Ramayana, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi: Banarsidass Publishers, 1986 [1] Brockington 214 [2] Pollock 516 [3] Datta 83 [4] Pollock 519 [5] Datta 80 [6] Brockington 198 [7] Brockington 317 [8] Pollock 509 [9] Brockington 200 [10] Brockington 310 [11] Sharma 185 [12] Sharma 190 [13] Sharma 192
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Free Essay - The Poser of Guilt in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Poser of Guilt in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a book that goes far into the lives of the main characters. After establishing the main characters--Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth--he shows how each decision they made affects all the others. Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth all felt guilty at one point in the novel. Hester had "dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam, and a face which, besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion, had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes" (50). Hester, here described as a beautiful woman, had committed adultery. Because of her sin, her punishment was shame by the branding of the scarlet `A'. She simply accepted the punishment. The scarlet letter makes people look at Hester differently, but she doesn't seem to care. Hester created the `A' to be very elaborate to make people notice it. Having the sin out in the open let her relieve any guilt. The `A' was meant to punish Hester for eternity. She was to wear it till she died, and then it was going to be engraved on her tombstone. While in the forest, Hester made clothes for people in town. Because she had sinned, she was not allowed to make "the white veil which was to cover the pure blushes of a bride" (76). After a few years, Hester had changed the meaning of her scarlet letter, "they said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman's strength" (141). Her "punishment" had become an honor. Although Hester tore off the letter and went to England with Pearl, she returned to Boston and put the scarlet letter back on. Hester was certainly not the only person affected in all of this. Roger Chillingworth had a "slight deformity of the figure" which later reflected the transformation his soul would make (56). In the first meeting of Hester and Chillingworth, Hester asks, "Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?" and Chillingworth replies, "Not thy soul. No, not thine!" (70).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Narrative Frames and Ambiguity in Henry James The Turn of The Screw Es
Narrative "frames" and Ambiguity in The Turn of The Screw           Since it was written, Henry James' The Turn of The Screw has been acclaimed by numerous critics to be one of the most immaculate, engrossing and terrifying ghost stories ever produced. Harriet Waters Preston described it as, "a sheer mortal horror, like the evil dream of a man under the spell of a deadly drug"1, and Gertrude Atherton said, "[it] is the most horrifying ghost story ever written!"2 I will argue that it is the narrative frames enclosing The Turn of The Screw that are largely responsible for the reception the book has received. They serve two main purposes; one, to build up an element of suspense and tension before the governess's account actually begins, thus heightening the potential for horror and terror in the text; and two, to cast uncertainty on the reliability of the narrators and hence to increase the ambiguity and scope for interpretation of the text. In fact, I will argue that these frames do not assist the reader in interpreting the action, but are actually used by James to deliberately confound the reader and foster an ambiguous atmosphere. At first glance there appear to be three narrative frames surrounding the governess' account. At the outermost level we have the voice of the narrator. The narrator tells us of a time when they were one of several guests staying at the abode of a character named "Griffin". Whilst there, the narrator heard the governess's tale, as told by Douglas over a period of several nights. Although the narrator was not at Bly, nor did they take any part in the tale of the governess, it is the narrator's retelling of this story that the reader receives. Within this is the reading by Douglas, who ... ...: Macmillan, 1968). Troy, William, "The Altar of Henry James" in Tanner, Tony, ed., Henry James Modern Judgements (London: Macmillan, 1968). Endnotes 1 Gard, Roger, ed., Henry James The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968), pp. 333. 2 Ibid, pp. 361. 3 Sheppard, E. A., Henry James and The Turn of the Screw (Suffolk: Oxford University Press, 1974), pp. 17. 4 James, Henry, "The Turn of the Screw" in Hampl, Patricia, ed., The Houghton Mifflin Anthology of Short Fiction (Boston: Hougton Mifflin Company, 1989), pp. 617. 5 Ibid, pp 617. 6 Ibid, pp. 617. 7 Ibid, pp. 620. 8 Gard, pp. 275. 9 Hosking, Rick, lecture for English 1A: ENGL 1003, Flinders University, 12th March 1996. 10 Tanner, Tony, ed., Henry James Modern Judgements (London: Macmillan, 1968), pp. 33. 11 Sheppard, pp. 15. 12 Ibid, pp. 15.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Affirmative Action in California: Has It Outlived Its Purpose? Essay
Affirmative Action In California: Has It Outlived Its Purpose? INTRODUCTION In the past, most California public agencies believed that affirmative action was an effective tool in the fight to correct discrimination. The main intent of affirmative action was to protect women, minorities and handicap individuals from discrimination (Hill, 1998,1). Affirmative action has been used in areas such as public employment, education and contracts. But today, some public agencies are questioning the meaning of affirmative action. The opponents of affirmative action believe that it encourages preferential hiring practices and reverse discrimination. They have also taken a strong stance towards the elimination of affirmative action through the California Civil Rights Initiative – Proposition 209 ( The supporters of affirmative action, however, still maintain that it is needed to prevent artificial barriers in the treatment of workers and hiring and admission practices ( Even though Proposition 209 was passed by Californ ia voters, this has not discouraged professional organizations such as Americans United for Affirmative Action ( and the American Association for Affirmative Action ( who are still committed to educating the public on the importance of affirmative action. The concept of affirmative action has always been and continues to be a very controversial topic. This paper will focus on the positive and negative viewpoints of affirmative action as well as the future of its existence. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: ORIGIN AND MEANING. The existence of discriminatory behavior against minorities was the leading force in the creation of the ... action, it has not stopped professional organizations such as the AUAA and the AAAA from informing the public about the past success and importance of affirmative action. It is not clear whether affirmative action will continue to be a part of the fight against discrimination in the United States. It is clear however, that affirmative action will continue to be highly debated issue for many more years. Bibliography Larson, Richard and McDonald, Laughlin (1980). "The Rights of Racial Minorities" Affirmative action. Avon Books: 82-89. Goldman, Alan (1977). (Affirmative action." In Marshall Cohen, ed., Equality and preferential treatment. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 192-209. Hill, John (1998). "County of Los Angeles position on the California Civil Rights Initiative" Memo to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, 1-5.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Human Lifespan Development Essay
Age: Zach went to prison in his early 20’s or 30’s. He spent 17 years in prison. Normally at the age of 43 he should be in a reliable relationship, working to ensure that he gets A good income to support his lifestyle, being able to live independently also with a stable mind set. At the age of 43 years old this age span is in the lifespan of adulthood it allows you to define yourself in terms of your career life style and ability to provide for your family. In his career lifestyle Zach should at least of been working to achieve an high job position such as assistant manager or manager this will increase Zach’s income which will allow him to have a better lifestyle. However Zach went prison in his 20’s or 30’s he lost the advantages of achieving goals he could of gained during that period of his lifespan in prison. His self-concept could be effected as he came out of prison and realises that all his opportunity he had is gone, no career for him to achieve any skills but as Zach is 43 years old he still has the chance to start his life again and go get an education for him to gain more of an knowledge. Gender: In this society today women tend to get less pay then men, they we’re also excluded from certain jobs. Women had to fight for their rights to vote in the past, but now women can vote and they have nearly all the rights that a man has. Some countries don’t value women as much as some other countries that might value a women’s rights. However Zach is a male and should be providing for his family & himself. Males are seen as the main gender that has the leadership of providing & keeping their family safe. Therefore Zach should be providing for his family, however he spent 17 years in prison which effected him negatively on his self-concept as he wouldn’t see himself as a man because he hadn’t have the chance to create a family & provide for them. Emotion health and well-being: a lot of people have different ways of dealing with situations & will know how to control their feelings. As Zach suffered with a difficult childhood by abuse & violence, this caused him to grow up full of anger, injustice and bitterness. He often found it difficult to control these feelings which led him to committing offences. Zach had an emotional life style this will emotional effected his self-esteem & self-concept he could lack confidence within his-self. Abuse: As people go through different types of abuse some people are different with handling abuse and may become more strong & others may be weaker and struggle to deal with it. There are several ways of people can be abused; physical, sexual, emotional, non verbally & verbally everyone’s been through one these at one point in life. Dealing with abuse can build up anger in a person or can become isolated from others & begin to hide their emotions with others. As Zach was growing up his childhood was difficult as he was suffering with abuse. Zach could of been getting abused by his family members, as any of his family members could of been getting abused from their childhood aswell so this could cause the family to have a history of an abusive past and could continue it within the future generation. Zach being abused has caused an negative effect on his self-concept by physically being abused that makes feel insecure about his which makes him have an low self-esteem. Relationship: Some relationships would be an positive effect on people’s self-concept as the couple are stable with each other & allow them to develop, they become more comfortable and more emotionally mature with each other. Sometimes with others their relationship could have an negative effect on their self-concept as it could be unstable and untrustworthy which causes a person to cheat within a relationship. Before Zach went prison he was in a relationship he had physical abused someone for starring at his girlfriend, this shows that Zach’s insecure and is easily jealous when it involves his girlfriend. Environment: Zach was brought up in a negative environment which made him feel not valued as an person by him feeling like this he then started to development a negative state of mind allowing himself to begin doing negative things in his childhood stage of life. In the childhood stage of life children should be surrounded by positive people & things but not all families can ensure that their kids can be brought up with an positive lifestyle as the family could of been through a lot of negative situation within their childhood. Socialisation: Everyone needs to socialise as it allows them to communicate with others and for them to go out to places to socialise. However Zach’s socialistion was effected negatively by his emotions from being abused as a child were being a barrier to his social life as he couldn’t trust anyone.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Describe the hardware and software used to create and edit graphic images Essay
Hardware – A hardware is a device that is manually connected to the computer. An example of hardware is a computer monitor that allows you to see what you are doing on the computer. Graphics Card – In order to create a graphics image, a graphics card is necessary. The graphics card proceeds digital information directly from the operating system stating what needs to be shown on the monitor. The graphics cards are needed to produce images that meet the wants of the users by using the abilities of the monitor. Internal Memory – The interior memory of a computer is called RAM. It is mainly used to hold programmes and pages that are open or any documents and graphics that the user is viewing. This is useful for creating graphics images because once the programme or document is in the RAM then it works at a higher speed which is good because users are able to complete their work at a faster speed and don’t have to experience any problems. Processor – The processor is the main part of the computer system, it allows the operating system and other programmes to run on the computer system. The processor also works out the calculation that is required to operate digital graphics. The processor is important in continuing the performance with difficult digital images. Digital Camera – When working with digital graphics, professionals will usually need to bring in their own images for their work so they will usually use digital cameras. By using digital cameras it will be easy for them to put the pictures directly onto the computer system from the digital camera. This could either be done by a cable or a card. Fire Storage – When working with digital graphics they will need to be saved onto the computer system so they can be used again by the designer. They may also need to be modified by backed up or even sent to other people that would need to see the images such as a client so they will need to be saved in order to complete those steps. USB Devices – With digital graphics using a USB device is need in order to input or move graphic images to another computer or onto a different device such as a digital camera. Input Devices – When dealing with digital graphics input devices are useful and important as the user can capture the images and put the onto the computer system. Graphical input devices include a scanner or a graphics tablet. Software – A software is a typoe of programme that is run on the computer. Example of softwares include photoshop and fireworks. Vector Based Graphic- Vector based graphic softwares include CorelDraw. CorelDraw is a vector graphic editing software that allows graphic designers to edit their work by uisng the following software. Vector images are diagrams and graphics because they are able to have a higher resolution so the pictures are clear. Vector images are also good for enlarging and reducing size as they will not loose the focus of the image. Bitmap Based Graphic – Bitmap based graphic softwares include Corel Paint Shop and Microsoft Paint. Both Corel Paint Shop and Microsoft Paint are graphics paint programme and are used to create bitmap grahics. Bitmap graphcis differs from vector graphics due to bitmap graphics having a large file size when saved onto a drive. Bitmap graphics also lose the focus of the image when they are enlarged or reduced with size. Bitmap graphics are good when they are used for screenshots and webpage pictures. Photo Manipulation – Photo manipulation sotware applicatios are professional bitmap programmes that have the necessary tools in order to manipulate the photographs. Examples of photo manipulation softwares include Corel Photo-Paint and Adobe Photoshop. Other softwares include: Image Viewers and Photo Galleries Image Viewers – Image viewers are certain programmes that allow users to see a view of the folder with previews of the files that are located in the folders. Examples of image viewers include Microsoft Windows Explorer. With Microsoft windows explorer the user will be able to set the view at different sizes e. g. medium, large or extra-large icons in order to see the files in the folders. Photo Galleries – Photo galleries is a software that shows a gathering of photos. Photo galleries are often used for a collection of web pages to show he images that different people have posted.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Argument Summary
Taking a Blue Book Exam is a Social Practice According to Literacy Practices by David Barton and Mary Hamilton, literacy is a social practice. To explain this, Barton and Hamilton point out literacy Is how people discuss and interpret written text. Literacy practices are described to us by Barton and Hamilton as â€Å"in the simplest sense literacy practices are what people do with literacy†(8). Literacy practices eventually lead to literacy events which are defined as observable episodes which arise from practices and are shaped by them.The notion of events stresses the situated nature of literacy and that it always exists in a social context†(8). Text Is crucial In molding our Institutions Into what they are and literacy is deeply rooted in our everyday lives in unexpected ways. In their essay, Barton and Hamilton present to us six propositions to further prove the nature of literacy as a social practice. Next, I will share a literacy event that adheres to two of tho se propositions. My first semester of college had started and I was feeling confident and determined to do well.Although I was fresh out of high school. I didn't doubt my abilities. In all honesty, I underestimated the difficulty of college due to the college courses and advanced placement courses I'd taken throughout my high school career. It was a simple and short-lived time. Then, I was Introduced with a bluebook test. You see, multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, and true or false worked just fine for me. But when my history professor told us to buy a bluebook, I had no Idea what to expect. When I went hunting for this said bluebook, most people didn't even now what it was!I went to Walter, office supply stores, book stores, and no one knew what I was talking about Finally. I found one In the campus store and when I opened it, blank pages stared back at me. Even though we went over what was to be expected on the test in class, I was still concerned. How am I supposed to succeed at something so foreign to me? Well. I spent a lot of my time just studying the best I could. And then I had an idea. I took my extra bluebook (which I'd bought for my second exam in the course) and I took a list of topics and began writing.The best way to see how to fill these pages with information is to do so without material in front of me as if I were taking the exam in my own home. Secondly, I went through my notes and asked myself the series of who, what. Where, when and why for each event. After discovering some new study tactics, I realized that not much had actually changed. The only deference between this dreaded bluebook test and a high school test Is that I have to communicate to my professor that know the material without a written medium such as a structured question.Instead, I simply had to write down everything I know about the topic and hopefully point out the aspects and details There are two of the six propositions from Barton and Hamiltonians Literacy P ractices that apply to this literacy event. The first is, â€Å"literacy practices are purposeful and embedded in broader social goals and cultural practices†(8). My goal is, of course, to get the best grade possible on this test. However, there is a broader goal that applies here as well. I want to do well in college and gain knowledge that could potentially be useful to me later in life.The second proposition from Barton and Hamilton that applies to my literacy event is, â€Å"literacy practices change and new ones are acquired through process of informal learning and sense making†(8). By leaving high school and entering college, I am acquiring a new literacy. At first, I was mistaken by thinking college would be the same level of difficulty as high school and I later realized I needed to change and adapt in order to be successful in my new environment. A bluebook test is not the only aspect of college that was new to me. In fact, there are continuously new things for me to learn here.Like the bus system, the campus alert system, being aware of traffic so I can predict my commute time, balancing a school schedule I'm not used to with my work schedule, trying to make friends with classmates, and even simply discovering the direction I really want to go in my life. Barton and Hamilton were right; I had acquired new literates and I had broader goals beyond that bluebook test. There are literacy practices, literacy events and those propositions prove true to me. Literacy is a social practice and I understand that now, thank you to Barton and Hamilton.
Assessment of the Interactive Behavior Style
According to the DISC Platinum Rule Assessment, the â€Å"Interactive†behavior style defines people who are highly focused on other people. They love being around groups and they are fond of being involved in groups. They are generally extroverts and they do not like to be alone. They love working with other people. And they are very sociable. According to the assessment, people who are â€Å"interactive†get their motivation from being around other people. Their ultimate goal is to get other people’s recognition. They want to earn applause, acceptance, and complements.If recognition from other people is not present, they will ultimately lose their interest in whatever they are doing. Their drive to strive for their goals comes from other people. Most of the time, their ultimate goal is to earn to be appreciated. As for their decision making and their lifestyles, people categorized under the â€Å"interactive†behavior are very fast paced. They do not lik e routines. They are very spontaneous. Because of their liveliness, they usually want to do a lot of things all at the same time. Even if they are still involved with one activity, they jump to another task. That is why they often end up so disorganized.Aside from disliking everyday habitual activities, interactive people also don’t like facts. They do not like details. Instead, they generalize information. They base their conclusions on â€Å"guesstimates†than on highly objective and empirical data. That is why they often exaggerate. Interactive people also work well with others. Because they are sociable, they usually tend to attract the attention of others. They also have the ability to motivate others in order to work towards a common goal that they also pursue. They are perfect for those professions and careers that require excellent rapport with other people.They should be in the field of sales, entertainment, public relations, social welfare, and the like. Appl ication of Strengths and Weaknesses Just like what the assessment states, I am optimistic. I see life as an opportunity to do various activities. I am positive and cheerful. Everyday, my greatest accomplishment seems to stem from fulfilling one or two lively activities. Even if there is really nothing to do outside, I make it a point to go out and to look for something that I can occupy myself with. I love being around other people and that is probably why I value my friends so much.I also like going to parties and other social activities. I make it a point to form new friends despite the fact that I already have many acquaintances. Whenever I go to social gatherings, I make it a point to meet a new friend. I am one of those few people that you cannot alienate even if you expose me to groups of people that I do not know. I am also persuasive and very motivating. I can easily talk my friends into doing something I believe is terrific. In addition to that, I am very enthusiastic. I th ink it is a total waste of time to be lying around and doing nothing.I love engaging in various activities, even those which I am not very familiar with. I am passionate about living life to the fullest. However, because I do love engaging in many activities, I often become careless primarily because I am often preoccupied with so many things all at the same time. This is also probably the reason why I often end up being disorganized. My initially planned schedule for the day often gets tangled with the other activities that I usually want to slip in it. Analysis of the behavior assessment The analysis seems to be quite accurate in describing the prime motivators, strengths, and weaknesses of a person.The data yielded is very useful primarily because it was very thorough in describing the assessed person. It includes the possible conflicts associated with his set of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the possible steps that can be taken to solve such conflicts. The data provided i n the assessment can largely contribute to overall self-improvement. Understanding your tendencies and gaining insight on your personality can improve rapport and communication with other people. It can predict job performance and potential leadership skills (Kierstead, 1998). It can also be used in understanding the personalities of other people.In a personal case, it can help one concentrate on his strengths while altering his weaknesses. However, it should be noted that people should not confine their identities to the discussed test results (Carey,2004). Also, I have noticed that some characteristics of a particular behavior type often overlap some of the traits of the other types. Though the delineation between the types is often very obvious in the initial description, the question of exclusivity between the characteristics can be observed in the specific details of the subtypes of the behavior assessment.Also, although the results of the assessments are quite accurate, it sho uld be noted that people should not confine their self concept with the descriptions provided by behavioral evaluation, no matter how elaborate they are. Regardless of how complete and concise the assessment results are, people should realize that the results were based on a personality evaluation taken during a certain period of time at a certain moment in a person’s life. In simple terms, it is relatively an accurate assessment of someone’s here and now.It should be noted that people are rapidly evolving beings that can radically alter their behavior and personality over time, based on the set of experiences and challenges that come their way. A person with an interactive behavior type can transform into one who has a cautious or dominant behavior after having one of those life changing experiences or major life turn points. Basically, a technical generalization of the personalities of men should not be regarded as the sole indicator of how a person should be interpr eted.It should not be sued as a basis of what kind of people should one get along with. Confining your analysis of people into four types or sixteen subtypes can greatly promote stereotyping. As such, these should not be used as the sole basis of interaction with other people. In order to ascertain the adaptability and the efficiency of this behavior evaluation, such forms of assessments should be taken regularly in order to form comprehensive and accurate concepts of one’s self.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Advantages of visual object and space perception battery
Advantages of visual object and space perception battery Ans. Neuropsychological assessment is incomplete without the visual and space perception (Warrington shape detection, incomplete letters, silhouettes, object decision, dot counting, progressive silhouettes, position discrimination, number allocation and cube analysis (Warrington & James, 1991 as cited in Gorayska & Mey, 2004). Advantages of VOSP Brenda Rapp (2001) has stated that, â€Å"highly sophisticated methods of cognitive assessment can be developed if one uses as a starting point a detailed theory of relevant cognitive system†(Rapp, 2001, p.4). Good examples for theory based assessments methods for visual perception are Birmingham Object Recognition theory (BORB) (as given by Humphreys & Riddoch, 1993) and VOSP (Warrington & James, 1991). VOSP is made on Warrington’s model (Warrington & McCarthy, 1990 as cited in Lara et al., 2004). The model puts forward three subtypes of impaired object recognition. They are, â€Å"disorders of visual sensory discrimination †(Lara et al., 2004, p.386), apperceptive agnosia and associative agnosia. â€Å"Disorders of visual sensory discrimination reflect selective deficits affecting sensory processing including acuity, shape, discrimination and colour discrimination†(Lara et al., 2004, p.386), apperceptive agnosia is impaired object perception (Lara et al., 2004) and associative agnosia is when an individual is unable to derive meaning of the object presented despite having normal perceptual and sensory abilities(Lara et al., 2004). Thus, it can be inferred that object perception is not possible without object recognition in Warrington’s model (Lara et al., 2004) and it points out that object perception is an, â€Å"adequate integration of sensory, perceptual and representation information (Rapport, Millis & Bonello, 1998) in a complex analytical task that integrates perceived details into an organized structure (McCarthy &Warrington, 1990)†(Lara et al., 2004, p. 386). Cogn itive state of visual perception can be better understood with VOSP in normal and pathological population (Lara et al., 2004). For example, when VOSP was administered to patients of Alzheimer’s disease, impairment was found only in the silhouette subtest of VOSP (Binetti et al., 196 as cited in Lara et al., 2004). This suggests that early perceptual processes are still intact in patients who are in the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease (Binetti et al., 196 as cited in Lara et al., 2004). VOSP is clearly a test of object recognition and space perception and nothing else. The is due to the reason , VOSP is made of different tests which includes tasks which are so designed that they assess specific dissociable aspects of object and space perception (Lawrence et al., 2000 , p.1350). Every task of the test focuses on a particular aspect of visual perception being completely independent of other cognitive and motor processes (Lawrence et al., 2000). Hence, VOSP can be reg arded as a sensitive test battery. The authors of VOSP have stated, â€Å"Any number of the eight individual tests may be administered and there is no prescribed order (Warrington & James, 1991, p.7)†(Merten, 2006, p.460). This is a very useful thing to do. It is very practically next to impossible to administer the complete set of tests of VOSP as part of neuropsychological assessment because it will be quite a time consuming process (Merten, 2006). Moreover, as advised by Lasogga & Michel (1994 in Merten,2006), easy to use screening measure can be used to test initial visual perception on the suspected group and only those showing visible deficits will be asked to go through the complete assessment (Merten, 2006).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Choice by Russell Roberts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Choice by Russell Roberts - Assignment Example He claims that as a nation, America can specialize in producing televisions but it is much better for them to concentrate their resources on producing goods or services which they are really good at and leave the production of goods, like television, to other countries (Japan). This way they (Americans) better utilize their time and resources for making more money than as compared to Japan (Roberts 10). The reverse is also true for Japan, which may or may not be good at making drugs, which Americans are good at. Roberts provides a convincing argument on the theory of comparative advantage. I agree with Roberts that instead of protecting one's own industries and businesses, the trade should be shared to even the weaknesses and strengths of the world's economies. If America is good at making drugs and can fetch a higher price for them then it would be better to concentrate resources to market drugs to other countries. It should create a niche by developing drugs, (or any other products) to maximize its resources. Since time and labor are scarce resources in economic terms, it is logical that a country's authority makes the right choice to free trade regulations to help its industries to "swap" products. The real deal is the ability of the country to find the products that should be sold to other countries and chooses products which are cheaper in comparison. This is necessary for the theory of comparative advantage to work for an economy to earn profit from the "swap". Roberts makes this claim based on Ricardo's theory, assuming that other countries of the world are willing to trade as well and that all economies of the world are stable in their production and resources. However, what happens when an economy, A, is not stable? What will happen if the other country, B, is not willing to trade due to lack of "money" or lack of product to sell to A? In such a scenario, I believe the theory of comparative advantage will not wor of well.Â
Monday, August 12, 2019
Taxation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Taxation - Assignment Example When the government decreases its levy on goods, there will be a high consumption rate and more production by the firms. This decrease of levy on goods leads to increase in capital (David 1817). Corporations are also subject to taxation by the government. Corporations pay taxes to the government for services provided. Corporations fill out forms as required by the state laws and hence recognized by the government (Leandra 2002). It is the duty of the corporation to pay taxes to the government for services provided and failure to do so can lead to legal actions towards the corporation. Before investors make an investment plan, they identify the tax system of their investment location. A tax system that is negatively designed does not favor the investor’s interests and will drain their resources and time. The different types of taxes levied by the government are indirect taxes, direct taxes, progressive taxes and non-progressive taxes. Generally, this paper will look at UK tax system and also recommendations made in the Mireless review. The paper will also explain the benefits that will come with the proposed recommendations and also the parties that will be affected by the recommendations. The taxation systems in UK today do not favor the households. It oppresses them through the heavy taxes that are imposed on them by the government. The taxation system has influenced the amount of money that people save and the manner in which they do so (Stuart, James and Christopher 2012). This system does not lead to economic growth since people are not encouraged to save. It has led to inflation in UK hence calling for reforms in the taxation system. The United Kingdom’s tax rate is among the highest in the world. Despite people earning high incomes, they have been subjected to high tax rates hence little savings by the income earners. A high increase in income tax has also led to the rise of other related taxes such as taxes on allowances,
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The Effects of the Current Global Recession on the Tourism Industry Dissertation
The Effects of the Current Global Recession on the Tourism Industry - Dissertation Example However, it is not easy to get the customer to come in with a smile and a treat. This dissertation presents a discussion about the impact of the current recession of 2008/2009 on the European tourism and hospitality industries and strategies for competition.  I certify that, except where cited in the text, this work is the result of research carried out by the author of this study. The main content of the study which has been presented contains work that has not previously been reported anywhere.  The business cycle is constantly ongoing and with it, the world moves from a bright and healthy expansion, in which everyone is optimistic and looking to fulfill their dreams, into dark and difficult recessions during which everyone is fearful (Navarro, 2005, pp. 1 – 5). The Business cycle causes jobs to be created lost, with companies rising and falling with the business cycle. An interlinked global economy makes it difficult for nations or even regions to remain insulated from what takes place in other parts of the world. Thus, a hiccup in one part of the world often results in its effects being felt elsewhere. However, the movement from expansion into a recession is nothing new and the Great Depression, the Asian Financial Crisis, the recessions after the World Wars and the 1890 financial crisis in England are a testimony to this. Juglars eight-year cycles and longer-term waves which are cycles of 17 to 18 years coupled with the even longer Kondratevs cycles that averag e fifty years in length have long been studied by economists (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2008, â€Å"Business Cycle†). A decline in production and employment, which causes incomes and the spending power of households to decline, are the consequences of a recession.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Special Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Special Education - Assignment Example Investigation Congress passed Public Law 94 -142 also known as Education of Handicapped Children Act. The act has been codified as the Individuals and Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. The law requires United States schools to offer free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities. Complying with the requirements will precipitate to the United States government’s release of federal funds to the requesting state. In addition, Title 20 of the United States Code Section 1400 states education for children with special disabilities is compulsory. The law clearly shows that the state that does not comply with the Public Law 94 -142 also known as Education of Handicapped Children Act will be meted repercussions like disapproval of fund requests. The law was created because congress found a need to formally institutionalize special learning education as the most appropriate learning venue for student who are too slow to absorb the lessons taught in class. On the s ide of the students with normal learning ability, slowing down the day’s lessons in order to cater to the learning capacity of the students with learning disabilities would create boredom. ... Although each interpretation has its proponents and critics, limited theory and few data are available to guide these important policy decisions. Yet, these decisions will have long-lasting impact on children with learning disabilities, and it is from this perspective that we seek better understanding of the contexts in which children receive their formal education. Studying in a normal classroom learning environment may be psychologically disadvantageous to the children with special learning disabilities. Some of the students with normal learning abilities may criticize or discriminate the classmates with special learning needs. There is a possibility that the intelligent classmates may even complain that the teacher is too slow in teaching the day’s lessons for the sake of the classmates with special learning needs. There is a slight probability that the students with normal learning ability may even ridicule the students with special learning needs. Pijl and Pijl (5) emphas ized the analysis of 31 related researches conducted using the meta –analysis technique showed that there are vivid differences in the learning ability of students with normal learning abilities and students with special learning abilities. The test focused on general intelligence and neuropsychological tests. This means that the students with special learning needs generated lower general intelligence scores compared to students with normal learning capacities. In the same manner, the students with special learning needs generated lower general neuropsychological test scores compared to students with normal learning capacities. The findings indicate that students in regular education
In depth analysis about article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
In depth analysis about article - Essay Example But at the same time, author’s view on internationalization is also pertinent because it helps the nations to maintain their autonomy vis-a-vis their fiscal policies and economic welfare and equitable distribution of wealth for the wider welfare of their people. The article emphasizes that globalization promotes economic integration across the globe through free trade and liberalization. It has resulted in diminishing national boundaries and brought in influx of foreign trade, both in term of goods and human capital. Daly believes that it undermines the national interests of the individual nations. But it nevertheless greatly facilitates the development process in the developing and under developed countries which need to be exposed to the opportunities for improving their standard of living. The developing world has indeed gained through globalization! Daly also asserts that internationalization would be more relevant because it helps to maintain national identity but promote s international relation through trade, treaties, alliances and protocols etc. The author has unconsciously supported the process of globalization in his emphasis for internationalization! When trade and business alliances are encouraged across nations, inter-dependency of economic units become vital ingredients of the developing relationship.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Rapid Response Team of Acute Conditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Rapid Response Team of Acute Conditions - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to provide in-depth comparison between the rapid response team of acute pain in Riyadh Military hospital and national health services of United Kingdom. The comparison has been conducted on the basis of policies being implemented in both the countries in terms of health care provision. Furthermore, the paper will also discuss the implication of SBAR model to address the rapid response for acute pain cases. The policies as studied within the context of UK hospitals are in the form of protocol directed by National health services (NHS) UK. The paper has been structured by providing in depth introduction to the rapid response team for acute conditions in national health services (NHS) of Saudi Arabia and United UK. Secondly, financial system section has also been added to understand the amount of revenue that is used to provide rapid response in acute pain situations. It should be noted that it is highly significant to create understanding with the advantage s and disadvantages of programs being implemented in health provision sector. Health Policy for Rapid Response Team in Riyadh Military Hospital in Saudi Arabia: The policies for the rapid response team in Saudi Arabia have recently been addressed by the medical services. It has been suggested in the main protocol of the program that response team will be selected on the basis of certification. This is similar to the criteria of UK rapid response team (RRT). The only difference is that the implication has been noted absent at most cases. Many cases are still being noted in the context of hospitals in Saudi Arabia where patients die because of no address to the emergency calls (Essa 2012). It is expected from rapid response team to provide intervention in the lesser time frame. This is the basic policy that has been set for the rapid response team of Riyadh military hospital. As per the hospital’s policy maker, it is expected that the rapid response team will be able to impleme nt all needed medical models for intervention purpose within five minutes time. Consideration of five minutes treatment means that the model implication for assessment of the patient is done along with the recommendation. If in any case, more time is being consumed then it should not be considered as a failure of RRT (Piza and Adelstien 2011). The criteria for setting five minutes assessment is because the members should be capable of managing more cases of emergency. The difference between any RRT with the traditional treatment team is in terms of minutes of assessment. The purpose of a rapid response team is to extract out the right cause from the situation of acute pain. If in case, more time is being taken by the team then the main motive becomes unaccomplished (Adams and Failano 2011). Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation (SBAR): The rapid response team (RRT) at the Riyadh military hospital level recommends the usage of situation, background, assessment and reco mmendation (SBAR). The policies for the rapid response team (RRT) have made it evident that SBAR should be followed in order to diagnose students in the best possible manner (AMA 2012). The implication of SBAR in Riyadh military hospital is because it has proven a successful manner to communicate the patient’s condition by the rapid response team to primary care provider. SBAR was basically implemented at US navy hospitals as a major method of
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Riodan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Riodan - Essay Example The purpose of outsourcing this project is to reduce the costs, which may be associated with hiring IT managers within the organization. This project can be termed of immense importance to the company since having a team dealing with IT management can be expensive. Moreover, hiring outsiders is beneficial since they will bring in their outstanding expertise to the organization. As such, the company will tap the knowledge of experts and develop sound IT management systems. The other technology project that the company can outsource includes data storage. This project will relieve the company of the burden of purchasing data storage devices, which should be used to store data in the organization. This project is of significant importance since it gives the organization an opportunity to have its data maintained properly. As a result, the company’s data cannot be damaged or lost since experts know how to store data better than the insiders of the company (Poulin, 2006). c. It leads to the synchronizing of variables and problems like stretched delivery times, inappropriate categorization of responsibilities and sub-standard quality delivery may occur (Obaidat & ICETE,
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Understand Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free
Understand Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning Essay 1.1 Summarise Learning and teaching strategies used in own specialism Within my own specialty field having a variety of teaching methods and strategies to potentiate learning is an absolute requirement. The field caters to people from all kinds of backgrounds and levels of education so it must be flexible and adaptable enough to appeal to its varied audience. It is usually taught following a mix of teaching methods that focus on different learning strategies, and can be identified as being an â€Å"Interactive Lecture†with some slight variations. It usually starts with a short lecture that lasts for approximately 15 minutes and usually contains a metaphor, as a way of introducing the subject and determining the boundaries by which the session is going to be ruled and also a list of natural examples, that is, situations or contexts where the particular topic being taught could be applied. Demonstrations follow so as to allow the students to familiarize themselves with the concepts to be studied in any given class, and also to give them the opportunity to see first hand what the topic being demonstrated means and gives them a rough idea of what steps are to follow. These demonstrations usually take only form 5 o 10 minutes and can be demonstrated by the teacher on a voluntary student or it can occur in the form of Video, where another teacher or practitioner of the craft demonstrates the topic of the class. Discussion between the students about what they have seen, is a very useful part of assimilating what has been observed in the demonstration and it is also a way to check and evaluate if the students have understood what was going on during the demonstration and check if they have been able to recognize the steps followed during the demonstration to achieve the end result. Getting the students to put into Practice their learning is another way to immediately test their understanding and capability at carrying out what was demonstrated during the demonstration. This can be replaced by a Small Group Task, or a group or individual project where the students can test their skills in carrying out parts of what the demonstration entailed in addition of providing further information and develop their interaction skills within a team. More small group discussions occurs after the students get to practice what they saw in the demonstration, where they get to comment and talk about difficulties, challenges and opinions in regards to how they found putting to practice and finally share their conclusions with the class. The teacher ends the class by a small lecture style talk where s/he summarizes the key points reached during the class, and gives closure to the subjects of the session. 1.2 Explain how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism that are inclusive and meet the needs of learners A number of students that attend courses within my own field of specialism are blind, colour blind, dyslexic, or present some kind of â€Å"learning disabilities†. Something that is always taken into account, are the learning strategies of the students that participate in any given class, their particular learning needs and other requirements that might be needed to support them in their learning process, this information is discovered through an initial questionnaire at the start of the course. With activities that require interaction with colour or visual elements, the games/activities are adapted or modified in order to compensate for the barrier or disability/ies some particular students might present, by utilizing other senses as a way to replace the visual/colour component. Adapting other materials, activities and games, bringing in flexibility to the exercises is part of the process to teach in my own specialism that are inclusive and meet the needs of the learners. 2.1 Explain how to select resources that meet the need of learners Selecting the resources that meet the needs of the learners is a constant process of consistent evaluation and change. Some of the factors that can influence the teaching methods utilized in any given context are the level of knowledge and the level of commitment of the participants, which links with the level of responsibility they are able to cope with on their own, in addition to their preferred learning system/style, or any other physical, cultural, hearing, language or learning needs. Things such as the class environment and resource/teaching budget are also important; resources can be costly so establishing a sharing scheme or setting up small groups per resource can also be a good idea if it is not possible to find a suitable cheaper alternative. The characteristics of the room Hand-outs are one of the resources that can be provided in the form of notes, extra information, the student ´s can always look back and refer to, when their preferred learning strategies are visual. Worksheets, books, flipcharts, printed quizzes in addition to textbooks and journals are also wonderful ways to potentiate learning through the visual sense, Whiteboards, blackboards, PowerPoint presentations, digital cameras, software, YouTube, other hardware or equipment and Moodle are more interactive ways of learning and their effectiveness depends on the suitability of methods for promoting learning. Knowing enough about the possibilities available and having the skill to confidently utilize it for it to be effective is also important, in addition to the fact that a constant evaluation system should always be in place with the purpose of being able to make rapid changes whenever a teaching method does not have the results expected, and to find out what is effective and useful for any particular set of students. 2.2 Explain how to provide opportunities for learners to practise their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT It is possible in my field, (NLP, Presentation Skills and performance enhancement) to present students with opportunities that require them to practice their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills in a variety of ways. Students are usually required to prepare some class with some recommended reading books, journals or articles, (depending on the particular aims of the course), occasions where they are able to practice their literacy and language skills. As communication is a key element in my field, the necessity for them to develop excellent Language skills is key, as it also requires preparation, as elements of clear enunciation, focusing and the design of presentations are usually present in most of the courses within this field. Numeracy skills are in most cases inherent as activities have to be very well timed and managed, and participants usually apply them within their own contexts and backgrounds at the same time they apply the skills learned during my courses, therein, time management, organizational skills and also an adequate level of numeracy are required. Through the skills learned during the course, a higher level of focus can be dedicated to reaching high performance states which in case where a student might have difficulties with numeracy, if s/he so desires, s/he could have the choice to choose it s a context and create a correlation between a particular high performance state (different from their usual nervous/uncertain state) and numeracy. Students can develop or practice their ICT skills through the recommended online research and utilization of many online resources (forums, articles, blogs) that are available online for students, free of charge, in addition to having to prepare (in some courses), rough drafts for presentations to be handed in. 3.1 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment There are many ways to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment. First of all, as per the teaching and learning cycle, it is important to identify needs that could be fulfilled or covered in any particular way, for that it would be a requirement to have a target audience so as to be able to study, search and find what the potential target audience could want. Finding out what is of interest to them, so as to be able to develop an appropriate teaching strategy is crucial in order to engage and motivate learners, examples should be relevant to them. Ideally the competencies or skills to be taught could be taught through a utilization of content that is of interests them. We call â€Å"flora†many different types of flowers, they all have the same structure (form), a stem, a pistil, petals, pollen, etc.; but the shapes (content) they take are very different, a Lily looks very different from a Rose and from a Bird of Paradise, a Daffodil or a Cherry Blossom. In the same way, by keeping the intention (purpose/form) of an exercise the same and giving it a shape (content) that is of interest to the students, there is a higher possibility of getting the interest of the students, thus engaging them and motivating them to participate in the activity/ies planned for the session. Realizing, recognizing and acknowledging the differences between students, and respecting those differences, adjusting explanations, language and resources to include all participants is bound to also increase their engagement in the topic being covered. Acknowledging and recognizing the achievements of the students in the process of achieving the â€Å"big goals†and reminding them of the goals that are to be reached at the end of the course while involving them in the process of taking responsibility for their own goals and reasons for being in the course. Providing the students and participants with clear, specific and useful feedback that addresses specific areas or details that are lacking or would need further revision or study, with instructions of how to improve them or overcome them, is another responsibility of the teacher which potentially has great results in involving and engaging the participants of a course. 3.2 Explain ways to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for others It is important for the facilitators of learning to establish an appropriate micro culture within the members of a class. The way students interact with their environment, with each other (psychological climate) and the interactions between students and teachers sometimes must be defined and agreed to since the start in order to avoid misunderstandings or problems due to â€Å"assuming†that a set of ground rules were â€Å"obvious†and â€Å"logical†. These sets of behavioural rules, determined in consensus by the class during a session dedicated specially to designing these rules could include punctuality, part of this can be represented by arriving to class on time, respecting time allocated for breaks, (coming back on time) and ending class at the finishing time, unless a special project or other activity is taking place which would take a few more minutes. Coming prepared to class is a very important ground rule, that would include bringing to class the materials (books, notes, pens, paper, etc) recommended by the teacher and having brought in homework, having studied or revised the learning materials in order to be a participative element in the class, by talking in turns, providing responses and sharing point of view in class. In the same topic, another ground rule to take into account in the subject of participating in class is to listen and respect the opinions and arguments of other classmates or teachers, even if those opinions differ from ones own, note that respecting does not mean â€Å"having to agree†, it simply means that the topic of disagreement or discordance is open for discussion, sometimes to be expanded on at a later time. Participation in class, or the voicing of opinions, questions or doubts is essential for ensuring the concepts covered in class are well understood, it is capital to note that there must be an element of trust and confidentiality within the group so as to be able to talk freely without fear or recrimination or judgement. If feedback is to be provided in any kind of occasions it must be done in a respectful manner, with appropriate language. Following upon the concept of respect, the respect for the study/learning time is essential and can be demonstrated by switching off (or putting on silent, all electronic equipment that is not needed during the class; that includes telephones, music players, iPads, tablets, computers, and all other electronic devises that could be a disturbance to the progression of the session. These rules are to be followed and reinforced within the group though the discussion and sharing these responsibilities, emphasizing how these ground rules are to help and support not only the teacher, but the students, in the learning process.
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